~Chapter 6~

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Maria's PoV
"Aye don't get too excited , Jungkook made me follow you to look out for you." Daehwi laughed as he pushed his hair back.
So the asshole knows how to care about people.
We both silently walked back to jungkooks place as Daehwi broke the silence.
"You can go now , just make sure you don't get hurt tomorrow." Daehwi gave a kind of smile.
Great even he knows. Everyone probably thinks I'm a slut like Jungkook.
I entered and walked over to jungkooks room and knocked.
"Master! I bought your coffee." I said firmly.
I did not receive an answer after my call.
"Hello....coffee? ....Jungkook you there?" I asked waiting for am annoyed reply but... Still no answer... I think he fell asleep.
"Guess I will need some coffee to complete my homework." I sighed.
I quickly made myself coffee and started working on my homework.
After an hour of working on my homework I then sat on my bed frowning.
"Will I be able to face myself to the society?" I asked myself and switched the table lamp off whilst tucking myself in to sleep.
Soon I fell fast asleep.
*The next morning*
"SLUTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" I woke up at the sound of screaming.
"Hmmm." I stretched and rubbed my eyes.
"What time is it?" I slapped my clock alarm and checked the time.
"SLUT WHERE IS MY TIE!" The loud ass beach screeched.
I got out of bed and checked the time to see it was 6:30am we had an hour and a half to get ready.
Tsk why so early.
I did my daily stretch routine and went to shower ignoring the fact that Jungkook had call me about the nth time.
After I took a shower I walked over to the mirror to apply some moisturiser until I felt my towel tug onto something whenever I moved.
"Tsk I'm such a pabo." I turned around to see Jungkook pulling on my towel.
I blushed at the sight of a topless Jungkook.
"Hey where is my shirt." He sighed.
I didn't really tell anyone my feelings for Jungkook neither to Taehyung but I really like Jungkook but sometimes I just feel he is quite mean and I worry that he will never like me nor will he treat me right so I act less obvious that I like him and that's why everyone thinks I hate him but in reality ...you could say I really love him.
"In your wardrobe , you left it there yesterday when looking for your favourite shirt." I said as I got out my outfit for school (just imagine any outfit for school).
I then realised what Ajhumma had said to me about being myself when walking to school.
I then went back into the bathroom and locked the door and wore my outfit.
"You ready to go?" Jungkook said lazily.
I nodded and walked ahead.
*At School*
I stopped as we were about to walk in school.
"You can go in first." I told Jungkook.
He just walked in not listening to me.
I just shrugged it off and walked in by taking a long and deep breath.
"I'm so lonely these days." I sighed. If you are wondering where my friends went they all signed up to go to a trip for boost camp as we were seniors and we almost have our big exam, the prom is not far either.
*The bell goes off*
As I was walking down the corridor to my class I felt disgusted faces been given to me and I felt people laughing at me.
Is it funny to be raped?!
I walked into class to be met with people's eyes staring.
"Maria , again you are late, do you want detention again." Shownu smirked.
"No." I simply said as I walked to my seat.
I was too tired to argue.
As class started I felt a paper ball hit my head.
I looked down and picked the paper ball to see a message.
"Hey slut , wanna do it at mine when my parents aren't round ;)"
I frowned and was about to cry but I kept it in I threw the paper ball back and didn't bother.
When class continued on , some guy had put his hand up.
"What is it Eric." Shownu said.
"Could you tell your girlfriend to stop throwing paper balls at me." He smirked at me.
Shownu smirked and then turned to me. "Do you want to be punished." He crouched down to my level and whispered.
I had realised Jungkook was no where in class nor was Nara. I guess they were having it together again.
Shownu made me stand for a few minutes as I kept getting blamed for throwing paper balls.
As I stood someone got up and pushed me into Shownu when he was teaching.
As Shownu turned he had thought I gave him a hug but in reality someone had pushed me so he picked me up and put me on his desk.
"Now sit there since you won't stop fidgeting." Shownu smiled.
Everyone looked at me and smirked.
"Slut." A girl mouthed at me.
I looked down at my foot the whole lesson until the bell went. It was time for lunch.
As said I never really eat school food so I just headed to the rooftop but was stopped by a gang of boys.
"You are blocking my way." I firmly said.
"And what is wrong with that baby." The guy laughed and walked over.
I turned to the guy and looked at him.
"What do you want from me." I asked.
"Strip for us, like you did for mr Hyunwoo." He smirked.
"No." I quickly said and backed up.
"Ohhhh why not." Another guy laughed whilst acting all pissy.
The groups leader came and ripped the side of my dress (shoulders) and smirked.
"Sorry love I do what I want."
The guy laughed and started sexually harassing me until I hit his head with my backpack and whilst the other guys were helping him up I ran to the rooftop and locked the door to get to the rooftop before anyone could even enter.
I then crouched down and sobbed.
"I am just 'the slut' in school now, why does everyone think I wanted to have it with mr Hyunwoo." I sobbed into, I heard someone next to me say "you are not a slut, people just need to stop believing one rumour, that they don't know the full story behind it." I turned to see a young guy with white hair who had one red eye and one different colour probablythe same age as me smiling.
I pushed myself back and asked shockingly. "I locked the door how did you enter?"
"I got sent down from heaven from your dad , Maria." He smiled.
"Hhh-how do you know my name, and my dad sent you from heaven?" I look at him confused.
"I'm minhyuk, I was buried alive by my father a few days ago , someone had saved me but my body is in hospital and I'm in coma but my spirit was taken up to heaven until I met your dad he said he would get me back to my normal self only if I stayed with you." He explained.
"Really my dad?!, how is he." I smiled and wiped my tears.
"He's probably happy now that I'm with you." Minhyuk smiles.
"So when do you turn back into your original human self, sorry it's just your eye looks quite distracting and your face is quite pixelated." I shyly asked.
"Next morning." He stated.
"Ah okay" I nodded.
"I will meet you tomorrow morning as my normal human self but for now I have to go byeeee chingu." With that minhyuk disappeared in thin air.
He seemed quite nice for a guy with very scary looks, maybe because he is still alive in a way that he is half scary.
I opened the door to go downstairs however Nara and kihae pushed me back.
"Where do you think you are going slut." Nara kept pushing me making me back up until I had nowhere to back up as , if I backed up more I would die at the height of building.
With the thought of it Kihye and Nara smirked pushing me off the building.
I knew it! That's it! I'm dying!
As i was about to meet death I saw minhyuk flying with me.
He flew down and tried catching me but as he was still a spirit he couldn't catch me and my face hit the surface, with that I had a blackout.
Authors PoV
Minhyuk felt really annoyed he couldn't catch Maria but however hurried Maria to hospital with a letter on her body to tell the doctors she had an accident.
The fall caused her face to fall apart , the only cure was surgery.
The doctors saw the letter and did as they were told.
Minhyuk, as he was not visible yet he sat next to Maria and held onto hand although he couldn't really.
After the successful surgery , hours later, Maria woke up to see a teary Jungkook.
"Jungkook" she asked confusingly.
She then looked at herself in the mirror she looked 10 times better and prettier than before but she still missed her old own face.
Jungkook had come to confess.
Little did Jungkook know minhyuk was still there.
After the confession , Maria agreed to be jungkooks official girlfriend after asking curious questions.
Jungkook finally got to know what the whole story was behind the Shownu incident, all because of minhyuk.
After all the trouble and the terrible incident , jungkook kisses Maria and heads home.
As for minhyuk as a spirit he lays down on the couch and falls asleep (in my world spirits can sleep so XD).
*In the morning*
Maria's PoV
"OMFG MINHYUK!" I screamed as I instantly woke up to meet the human minhyuk sleeping on the couch near my hospital bed.
"What's wrong?!" Minhyuk giggled.
"You are OFFICALLY now human!" Maria then smiled at the eager minhyuk and complimented.
"Wow minhyuk, your human self is so handsome, how can your father even think about burying you!" I sighed.
I meant it  how can anyone bury his son even though he is handsome.
"Ah thanks." Minhyuk smiled.
As I got bored waiting for Jungkook to come round , minhyuk started talking about himself and his life story. Jeez he sure is too gobby.
But it prevented me from being bored so that was the good thing about minhyuks long ass talks.
Minhyuk also got tired of waiting for Jungkook so he fell asleep on my hospital bed.
He was such a dork.
Just then Jungkook walked in with an annoyed face.

Hi guys , I updated quite quicker than normal as I was bored , it's the start of summer holidays and I'm already bored as hell, so why do you think Jungkook is annoyed? Is it because of minhyuk or something else? Also don't get offended with shownu's character this is only a ff also I'm also a monbebe so please no hate on the ff :) 💞

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