1: Monster Arms

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Today was the big day, where I would use my monstrous arm, and hit Theo in the back of the head with yet another orange.

Let me explain the first time I did that.


I sat next to my best friend, Emerson, who was leaning on the table with her elbows. She looked around the room, judging everyone.

"You really have to stop staring at people, they might think you're weird." I comment, and she snaps her head back to me. I shrug, biting into the only edible thing on my tray. An apple.

"I am weird!" She declared loudly, shrinking back in her seat when a few stares were given.

"Now, when people ask you weird things, there's no going back." I point out, waving my bitten apple at her.

"Alright, what's something weird that you've done in public?" She asks, and I furrow my brows.

"Don't know." I answer, and she smirks evilly, tossing her orange up in the air, and catching it easily.

"I have an idea." She begins, and I slowly bring my eyes up to hers. "Throw this orange."

"Wow, so daring." I say, rolling my eyes.

"At Theo." She finished, and I froze, my head stiffly turning to her.

"I'd rather eat it." I spit out, giving her a disgusted look. I don't know why, but I hated the taste and texture of oranges.

"Do it, I dare you." She drawls out, and I sigh. I snatch the orange from her hand, and turn towards Theo's table. "Don't get caught, or you're dead."

"Thanks for that visual. I totally don't mind my lifeless body being tossed into a dumpster." I shudder, the image not appealing. I scan over his table, and quickly check to make sure if anyone was watching.

When I saw I was in the clear, I twisted the fruit in my hand, before aiming at his head. It's a big target, cue my snickering. I look back at Emerson, who looked intrigued.

Turning back to throw it, I brought my arm back, and swung it forward letting the orange go. I watched it fly across the room, and collide with the back of his head.

I spun around quickly, doing a small fist bump with Emerson. "Do you think he noticed?"

"Alright, well Orange Tosser, whoever you are, I will find you. And it won't be pretty." His voice booms over everyone, and we all slowly glance at him. To emphasize his point, he squeezes the orange, the juice leaking onto the floor. He dropped the smushed fruit, and sat back down.

What did I just do?

-End of Flashback-

Now, I have to do the same thing. And hope I don't get pummeled in the process.

Emerson already had the orange on her tray, as I told her what happened last night. She wasn't very pleased, but agreed to see his confusion and anger.

I checked our table for the fifth time, making sure no guys were seated. Luckily there were no guys, and my plan was working, so far.

"Why did I agree to do this?" I whisper to myself, a scolding voice.

"Because you're dumb." Emerson simply puts it, and I raise my eyebrow at her. "I wouldn't even do it a second time. Especially if he immediately will look at this table. You have more pressure to act normal now."

I bit the inside of my cheek, her words becoming clearer. "You're right, but he's expecting to be hit. I'll just have to do my best and try not to get killed."

"Good luck." She says, handing me the orange. I softly grab it, turning in my chair, sideways and facing Theo's table. I take a deep breath, looking back and forth from the orange and his head.

Aim, and throw. Aim, and throw.

Okay, I'm aiming. Now, I'm throwing.

It was like it was in slow motion. The orange slowly flew across the room, hitting his head. It bounced back, and fell on the floor.

My lips slightly parted, I quickly turned back to my table, looking at Emerson. "Is it bad?"

Her face faces mine, but her eyes shift to behind me. "He's looking around."

"Okay, I did it." I finally let out a relaxed breath, only for it to be taken away.

"He's coming over here. Act normal." She quickly says, leaning back in her chair.

My eyes widened, as I heard the loud footsteps nearing our table. I tried to loosen up my tense body, and shakily reached for my water bottle.

I take a small sip, almost spitting it out as his hands slam down on the table. I jump, and the whole table looks at him.

"Who did it? I know it was one of you." He says, his eyes traveling around the whole table. I try not to gulp, as I bring my eyes up to his.


"Who did what?" Emerson boldly asks, leaning forward in her seat.

"The orange. Who threw it at me?" I watch him closely, he looked mad to the people at this table, but I didn't see anger, I don't know what I saw. It was something different, more of a mixture of desperation and determination.

"No one threw an orange." I state, and his eyes snap to mine. His pupils dilate for a second, his mouth going tight.

"How are you so sure?" He harshly asks, and I remain calm. "Was it you?"

"Uh, no. I hate oranges, the look, the feel, the taste. Ugh." I shudder, waving my hands in the air. A look of amusement now occupying his face, before it's stone cold once again.

"I'm watching you people." He says, turning around. I try to hold back my words, and Emerson notices this. She shakes her head, and I give her a strained look.

"I'd like to see you try." I blurt out, as her head slams onto the table. I mumble a 'sorry' to her, and look at my lap.

"So we have a talker here, huh?" He drags out, clicking his tongue at the end. "Watch yourself."

"Only if you give me a mirror." I say, and I mentally scold myself for even being allowed to talk.

"Like I said, watch yourself." He repeats, and I turn towards him, locking eyes.

"I thought that was your job?" I sweetly ask, flashing a toothy grin. "You said you were watching us."

"Whatever." He grumbles out, storming away.

Is this what true triumph feels like? Well if it does, then I love it.

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