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Disclaimer real quick: So, This story is going to get sexual and smutty so if you don't like that I am sorry but I give you a warning now. The majority of my stories have smut and sex in them and I am just a sexual person. What can ya do about it.. But anyways. This story is my own idea so please don't steal it. I have other stories you can read if ya want btw and you totally should. LITERALLY GUYS THIS STORY IS TITLED SEX. I PROMISE THERE IS GOING TO BE SEX. OK SO DON'T BE PISSY WHEN THERE IS LOTS OF SEX. Anyways love y'all. Enjoy.

OH btw, Chelsea Amaro is Colbi in this book bc well, shes pretty af and then her and Jc seem to have a lil thing already so WHY NOT?! :))

Colbi's POV

"Yo I'm having a few friends over tonight" Ty said and I nodded, still sitting on the couch with my computer in my lap.

"How many people?" I asked.

"I think four" He replied sitting next to me.

"I swear if y'all wake me up in the middle of the night I am kicking them out" I warned him and he chuckles.

"Don't worry We will try to keep it down" He said

I look over at him and raise an eyebrow.

"I said TRY" He said and I chuckled.

"You know you could always hang out with us" He said.

"Pfftt nah I don't want to hang out with my roommate friend's fuck boy friends" I said and he scoffs.

"Your the one bringing fuck boy's home.. Not me" He said making me laugh.

"Just sometimes" I replied.

"Yeah the best part is when you forget their name so your just like 'Ohhhh. Fuck me yes uhhh uhhh' instead of 'Fuck Ty harder'" He said in a girly moany voice.

"Never happening Ty" I said and he chuckles and starts to walk away.

"Yo." I said looking up and he turns around.

"You should toss me the cookies" I said winking and he lets out a breathy laugh and does so before walking to his room.

I continue in the livingroom on my computer for a good three hours, working on collegey stuff.

My computer randomly dies and I panicked as I hadn't saved my work.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I said quickly plugging it up but. Once it turned on it was too late, as my work was gone.

I groaned loudly in frustration and then the doorbell rings.

I stand up and stomp to the door angrily and swing it open and see a very attractive guy and some other guy that was taller.

I blush at my angry state

"Umm..." I trailed off, wondering who it was.

"Are you Ty's roommate?" The one I found very attractive asked with a small cute smile.

"OHH. Yeah" I said letting the two guys in, remembering Ty had friends coming over.

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