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Colbi's POV

We get off the plane and walk towards the entrance of the Airport.

"Your mom is picking us up right?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Alright so we will be with your family today and tomorrow and then go to my dads house and visit and then my moms on the last day" he says and I nod in response.

"Sounds great." I said and he grabs my hand as we make our way to the baggage claim.

"Babe will they even like me?" I asked him quietly as I watched the suitcases begin to circulate, people taking what was theirs and moving along.

"My parents?" He asked and I nodded.

"Of course they will. They are going to love you!" He said and I look up at him.

He pulls me close to him and grabs my face softly.

"I promise they will" He said and pecks my nose making me smile lightly.

"There's our bags." He said and grabbed both of our suitcases.. A few suitcases in between the both of them.

We make our way out, having to actually take the little train thing in the airport to get to the exit we were supposed to be at.

We climb off whenever we had arrived at our stop and make our way back inside the airport.

I text my mom.

Me: Ma r u here yet? 

Mammaaaa: No honey I had to pick up your little brother from school he got sick. I'm on my way now though. Just get some food while you wait :) 

"My mom had to pick up my little brother so can we get some food while we wait?" I asked him and he nods seeing as we haven't left the area where all the restraunts are. 

We make our way to Chic Fil A and order us both some nuggets and fries and a drink.

We sit down and eat.

"I bet my sister didn't even go to school today" I said with a small chuckle.

"She probably talked my mom into letting her stay home to meet you when you get there" I said looking up at him.

"Well I can't wait to meet her, she seems very sweet unlike you sometimes" He teased lightly making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up I'm amazing" I replied and his smile grows.

"Yeah you are." He said with a nod.

After we finished eating we make our way out of the airport now and wait for my mom to get here.

I soon see her walking up to us.

She grins widely at the sight of Jc.

"Hey honey." She said happily as she hugs me and then looks at Jc.

"And you are Jc right?" She asked and he nods with a big smile.

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