Coachella Day 2/3

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The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cozy, warm, haven that is my bed. I get up from the bed and look around to see I wasn't in my 'bed'. I pinch my temple as I try to remember what happened last night. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in" I tiredly say. In walks Lucy with a grin on her face. She sits on the edge of her bed and just stares at me for a minute or two. She finally clears her throat and begins to talk. She told me what happened after I had left and what went down with Grayson and her. A few minutes pass..."Anyways, I'll meet you downstairs," she says before she leaves the room. I get off the bed and start getting ready.

After 20 minutes I was dressed in my second outfit and ready to go. When I got to the lobby I see Ethan, Grayson, and Lucy sitting down on the couch. "Are they coming with us?" I ask. "Yeah, I hope you don't mind," she says getting up from her seat. I nod at her and go outside. After 5 minutes an Uber came. I went to go sit in the middle when I see that Lucy is glaring at me and mouthing "Sit at the front". I roll my eyes and get out at the other side. 10 minutes into the car ride Lucy was already all over Grayson. I look at the rear view mirror to see that Ethan was looking out the window sadly. I turn around and tap him on the knee. He tenses up but soon relaxes when he saw it was me. "Hey, you alright?" I ask flashing him a smile. "Yeah, just thinking," he says as he looks back out the window.

15 minutes later we finally made it back to the venue. Strangely it looked like there were heaps more people than day one. I said my goodbyes to Uber as I watched it drive away. I went to walk away when Lucy grabs a hold of my wrist. "Photo!" she squeals. She gives her phone to Ethan who takes a picture of us. Then I took a photo of Lucy with the twins and then her with Just Grayson."Hey, you two should take a photo!" Lucy exclaims looking at Ethan and me. I hesitated for a moment but give in. I give her my phone and begin to think what pose we should strike. "What pos-" I say before I feel someone picking me up from the bottom. I look down to see Ethan's hair. I accidentally tense my thighs up which I guess he could feel. "Relax," he says chuckling. "3...2...1..SMILE!" Lucy yells as she snaps a couple of photos. Ethan then grabs my hands and takes me off him. "You weigh a ton" he jokingly says. "Hey!" I say as I punch him lightly on the arm. "Omg, Day...these photos are so GOOD" she squeals running up to me showing me them. The photos were actually pretty good. I then feel someone close behind me. "You look pretty cool, " Ethan says sarcastically as he starts giving me a noogie. "Ethan!" I yell as I push him away from me. I decided to post the photo on Instagram...

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@ItsDaya Coachella: Day 2 #goodvibes

302, 564 comments

@DolanDaddys you're so prettyyyy #Detha? or what!??


@TheGabbieShow cute ;)

@Gamingnobody1233 I'd bang you

@MissDaya_edits please check dm's xxx I love you so much

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