Chapter Four: No Greater Cause

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"I have news," Robert revealed taking a seat at the table over breakfast, his family were all crammed into the kitchen stopped what they were doing and looked over to where he was seated at the head of the table. 

It had not been an easy decision to make but Robert doubted that there was any way that he could deny the calling that was coming for all men to sign up for the war and to fight for his country. 

Rosemary leant against the kitchen counter in the corner of the room, she had a feeling that she knew what he was going to say; many in the street around them had gone to fight in the war already. 

It had barely been a few days since Arthur Shelby had left and the streets were emptying of men that were capable of fighting in this war, leaving behind the families that they had built and the people they loved to fight. 

"I enlisted in the war effort... my papers came this morning and I am leaving in the coming days," Robert announced knowing that this should not come as much of a surprise for them when everyone was expected to do their part. 

There was nothing that anyone could say that would dissuade him from this and he wanted to make his family proud of him especially if the worst should happen and he didn't make it back home. 

He was not going to be one of those cowards that stayed behind while everyone else was fighting for king and country, they needed every able man that they could get their hands on to win this war. 

Victoria was completely speechless at the news that her husband had enlisted, it was something that they had discussed, and she had thought that he would remain here with them instead of fighting. 

He wasn't getting any younger, Victoria had been so sure that they would not call him up because of his age and she cursed him for keeping this from her until it was no longer an option for him not to go. 

She did not care if that made him a coward and he was forced to walk around with some white feather attached to his jacket; it would mean that he was safe at home with her and their children, that was all that mattered to her. 

Ellen started to cry, she did not want her father going to war; she was frightened and there was every chance that something could happen to him to stop him coming home.

Yvette moved to comfort Ellen, none of them liked this but there was no backing out now; he was going, and she had seen how people treated those who were not signing up and she did not blame their proud father for doing so. 

Those who completely refused to fight for their country were practically shunned by the community; it would not be long before they were attacked for not fighting when every other man was. 

"You can't do this," Colleen insisted wanting her father to remain safe, there had to be things that he could do around here that could contribute to the war effort without him being shipped off to the continent to fight. 

It was not like there was not enough men going off to fight, she could not imagine what she would do if Peter went to war; she had insisted that he stay behind since they were expecting their first child and she needed him here with her. 

Rosemary shook her head, there was no way that he could not go now, and she could only imagine what sort of disgrace would be brought upon their family home if their father changed his mind. 

The Order of the White Feather would certainly make sure that Robert would keep to his duty; they were already ensuring that more men signed up for the cause by singling out those who refused to do so and making a mockery of them. 

"My Peter will never join up for this stupid war," Colleen insisted resting a hand on her stomach, she was joyfully looking forward to becoming a mother and this war was not going to change that. 

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