Chapter Seven: Give Him Time

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Clutching at the cup of tea that Polly had handed her, Rosemary tried to wrap her head around how badly the meeting with her father had gone that morning; she had no idea how things had spiralled badly. 

It had never crossed her mind that her father would even make the jump to nearly striking her mother over the news, Rosemary hated that she was the cause of any trouble that had started back at her parents' house. 

Of course, Rosemary had held no illusion that her father would be upset about her marriage to Thomas, but she had hoped even if it were silly that he would accept that she had married Thomas like he had done Peter. 

It was almost like her father had a selective memory, he had hated Peter when he had first presented himself as a suitor for her sister. 

Hell, he had tried to talk Colleen out of the marriage on the day of the wedding before they had left for the church and it had only been through his efforts that Peter had ended up at the corner shop where he now worked. 

There was a war on and so many around them were making the same decisions, it made sense to marry Thomas when she had no idea what else the future might hold for them or if he would even come home. 

The kitchen was silent and Rosemary was not sure what was worse right now, she longed for something to keep her occupied but she didn't think Polly would take too kindly to her tidying around her home. 

Polly was sat across the table from her and neither of them had said anything since she had sat down; they both were lost deep in their thoughts about what the future held for them now. 

"Have you thought much about what you will do now?" Polly asked, there were only a few days left before Thomas would leave for war and she knew that would leave Rosemary nearly alone.

It was not going to be easy especially since they had barely been married for more than a day and Thomas would be leaving her for God knows how long. 

They kept saying the war would be over by Christmas, but Polly did not believe that for a moment; the newspapers were filled with lies as far as she was concerned about what was happening over there. 

"Not really... I still have my job at the store and we planned to stay living at Tommy's until he got back," Rosemary replied looking at Polly, she couldn't imagine how things would work with Thomas gone but she was going to have to work that out quickly. 

Thomas would be leaving in three days and nothing would stop that nor delay it, Rosemary would pray for his safe return and that of everyone else that went away. 

Nodding her head, Polly sat back in her seat and hoped that would be enough especially with everything that would happen with the boys going away; they would be left behind to run things while they fought in the war. 

The sound of someone knocking on the front door confusing them both since they were not expecting anyone; it was quiet outside and Polly knew if it was one of the family, they had just come on in. 

Getting to her feet, Polly headed for the front door to see who it was; she paused at the sight of Rosemary's mother and the bags that sat at her feet. 

Pausing for a moment, Polly was unsure what to do especially after what she had heard about the argument had taken place; she looked back at Rosemary before signalling for her to come to the door. 

It had never crossed her mind that Victoria would come here, she looked tired and drawn; not like her usual self who was always well kept. 

"Mum?" Rosemary asked surprised to see her mother, she got to her feet trying to ignore the worry that bubbled within her stomach at the sight of Victoria as she searched her face for answers. 

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