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'So Yoongi hyung do you really love Jin hyung?'

Jungkook asked

'U-uh y-yeah why?'

'Then prove it by kissing him on the lips in front of me!'


Yoongi screamed and that caught the attention of Seokjin

'What's going on over there?'

'N-nothing hyung!'

'Haha! you stuttered when Jin hyung was about to come over here!'

'S-shut up!'

'Ha no.'

Yoongi groaned and slouched back into the couch

'But really kiss him I want to film.'

Yoongi turned so red and Seokjin heard what Jungkook said and probably knew that Yoongi was blushing



Yoongi got up and walked into the kitchen to where Jin was and back hugged him

'Yoongi? I'm trying to make breakfast.'

'Um, yeah hyung can you do me a favour and turn around?'

Jin turned around and Yoongi we t on his tip toes to try and kiss Jin since he was shorter couldn't really reach

'Yoongi what are you doing?'

'What does it look like I'm trying to do idiot?'

Yoongi puffed his cheeks and Jin swore if looks could kill he would've died because of Yoongi's cuteness

Jin pinched his cheeks which made Yoongi puff out his cheeks even more

'You're so cute Yoongi-ah.'

'What? I'm not cute!'

'You are to me!'

'Can you guys kiss already I just want to film it and show Jimin and Taehyung.'

So they did but it was a quick kiss since Jin was cooking

'Aw man I wanted it to be longer but this will do!'

'Ugh I'm going to take a nap.'

'Ok but first a kiss pretty please.'

'Fine b-but only because it's you.'

Yoongi tried to give a quick kiss


But Jin grabbed him by the waist and made it nice and sweet

(Like......vanilla?  I don't know man anywho back to story lol😂)

When they separated Jin pecked Yoongi's forehead and Yoongi went over to the couch

'You know I saw everything and you know I filmed it of you like moaning in Jin hyung's mouth. And you know everyone else saw and heard it too.'

Hold My Hand (YOONJIN)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें