Viktuuri Is Victory

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The squeals were no less than overwhelming. They hadn't thought that when they had organised a 'meet up' that the audience would be just this large. Around a thousand people had bustled into the small building. What had meant to be an exclusive gathering of fans had become a small concert.

History Makers knew they were famous but not this famous. There were five of them in total: one singer, one drummer, two guitarists and a bassist. The singer- Viktor Nikiforov- was the most known of the group, known for his oddly fair hair, which he claimed to be natural, and one of the brightest blue eyes in the entire industry. The drummer- Yuri Plistesky- followed shortly behind. Short with a bad attitude had gained him the reputation of the Russian tiger, his Russian accent much more present than Viktor's. The bassist had probably made it to the bottom of the list. Otabek Altin. Stoic but handsome all the same. Best known for his skill rather than his looks which more than pleased him. And despite the teasing for his short stature- despite still being taller than Yuri- he kept good grace with his fans and ran with the joke, even if it always was with a straight face.

The guitarists, although not the most famous, were by far the best to their fans. Being big fans of other artists themselves. The best friends, Yuuri Katsuki and Phichit Chulamont, had made a reputation for themselves as they answered nearly every single one of their fans questions and pick up lines. Phichit, the more outgoing of the two, never let the smile fall off his face. He aced every guitar solo and sometimes even joined in singing some of the songs. He was a friendly face and known for not only his killer solos but his killer selfies too.

Yuuri, on the other hand, despite answering the plethora of messages, was shyer. He was the underdog of the group and it was clearer than ever with the crowds in front of them. He had been diagnosed with anxiety a few years before but it had never stopped him, even when the other Yuri had threatened to throw him out of the group when he and Viktor had been getting a little too close to Viktor.

The people weren't exactly what had made the band so popular in the first place, though. It was the pairings. Otayuri was common and many of the die hard fans chanted it at a few concerts but it had failed to excite them when the two came out as a couple and now, it was only a few journalist that pestered them. The rest simply congratulated them and left them alone. That didn't make them unpopular but the fans knew they liked their space and were willing to give it to them as thanks for revealing their relationship.

What really drew the crowds were the words being chanted by the thousand or so people in front of them.

'Viktuuri is victory! Viktuuri is victory!'

Viktor and Yuuri made eye contact from the opposite sides of the panel, Viktor flashing his ever present smile. Yuuri's eyes widened, the red flushing into his cheeks. He threw his head away and the chants grew ever more present. Yuuri breathed in and out and was reassured by the Phichit's hand on his knee- platonic, of course.

The panel began all too quickly, the small meet up had originally going to be more of a chat but with the numbers, they had made it slightly more formal, even if a little hastily. 'First question, please!' The host called- Guang Hong Ji, a famous YouTuber and blogger. 

The first to step up to the microphone was a girl, around sixteen (the largest portion of their listeners falling into that category or close to it, at least). 'Hi, I'm Jemima. I wanted to ask, is Viktuuri real?' Of course, they started with that.

Just, obviously.

The crowd immediately went wild as the girl scampered off, a smile on her face. It was clear that they didn't expect any answer. That's what made the next few seconds so spectacular. 'It could be.' Viktor smirked at his microphone, brushing a stray piece of hair from his face.

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