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hansol woke up from an amazing rest, he yawned and ruffled his hair as he stretched and looked over to seungkwan who was sleeping on the other side

'seungkwan' he cooed in a whispered, as seungkwan showed no response

than hansol took the opportunity to just stare at the beautiful boy, the way his eyes every so slightly flutter made him so ethereal and hansols heart beat so fast

than seungkwans eyes slowly opened and stared right into hansols eyes, than he smacked him

'ouch!' hansol sat up rubbing his cheek 'why did you smack me!!?' hansol screeched

'I mean- its totally not weird that you were staring at me while I'm sleeping-' seungkwan held hansols cheek

'sorry, I'm actually really extra' he traced hansols cheek with his thumb, causing the american to blush

'ah it's f-fine...' he said as seungkwan chuckled

'why are you stuttering?'

hansol looked down and whispered 'thank you for 11k, you guys are amazing'

'hansol? what are you mumbling?!' seungkwan spat and hansol shrugged

'ah, seungkwan sleep more, I'll make you breakfast'

'but I don't want to eat'

'why? diets have nothing to do with skipping meals!' hansol slurred as seungkwan frowned

'that's how people gain weight! I'm already fat hansol!' he shouted as hansol had disagreement written all over his face

'seungkwan if your fat than I have type 20 diabetes' hansol said as seungkwan lightly punched his shoulder

'your so not funny' he said as he lifted the cover over his head 'just make breakfast than' he added

'yes' hansol jumped up 'I will!' He ran out the door

'dork' seungkwan laughed, I'm a geniuses! 

as he heard the door slowly close, he quickly got up and and ran out the door, he ran towards wonwoos room and smashed the door open

'wonwoo' seungkwan said with a serious voice 'we need to talk' he said as he watched wonwoo cry

'w-why are you crying' seungkwan walked over and crouched down, seungkwan slowly patted his back

'are you okay?' seungkwan said softly as wonwoo nodded, 'its just mingyu...'

'oh' was all seungkwan could say

'my matching necklace is gone... we both had one, and I'd never take it off, how could it just disappear?' he sniffed

'ah, don't worry! I'll help you look! but I need answers'

'and why should I answer them? your boyfriend literally killed my boyfriend!' he shouted as seungkwan hushed

'just because hansol killed him doesn't mean I'm the one to blame! okay? and if you don't- than... I'll kill you' he hiccuped

wonwoo laughed, a deep one

'I'd never expect you to say that, but fine ask away'

'good boy' seungkwan grinned as he crossed his arms

wonwoo blushed 'totally not kinky' and than he started to cry again

'mingyu use to say that...' he mumbled

'ah! could you answer my question! before hansol comes back'

wonwoo nodded as seungkwan breathed in

'who's behind this? or who do you think is behind this, your the only person I think that knows...' seungkwan softly said as wonwoo slowly nodded

'well, mingyu and i use to find clues together... and we found a lot of things in chans room... like files of everyone and notes and a video tape... but the tape ended up getting smashed because me and mingyu were arguing and things happen... so honestly I think it's chan- but... juns has also been acting suspicious lately...' wonwoo said

seungkwan heard door steps 'shit hansols back'

'okay okay... can I ask you a favor...' seungkwan said as wonwoo shrugged

'can I have your best gun'


Okay so next chap will be revolving around jihancheol and hopefully they're will be an announcement for numerous kills get ready to block me 😂💀

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Okay so next chap will be revolving around jihancheol and hopefully they're will be an announcement for numerous kills get ready to block me 😂💀


The film was so cute why would people say such things- :(

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The film was so cute why would people say such things- :(

anywho byebye

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