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Name: Lucas Milon

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Out doorsy, definitely the athletic type, super outgoing and sort of cocky about it too. Not the major douche type but very close to it.

Species: It couldn't be more obvious

Likes: BASEBALL!! Anything involving a ball...or multiple..*wink wink*

Dislikes: Being stuck inside, any snowy or overly cold weather, showing too much affection in public, and he definitely hates PDPA (Parental Display of Public Affection)

Sexuality: Gay (the ladies think he's straight)

Occupation: School I guess

Powers: None

Other: He's an only child and doesn't have a ton to worry about, the most important things to him are work and sports (aside from helping his mother of course)

Backstory: You'll figure it out but most of it has been said.

If smut:
Position: Seke

Turn ons: Being rough and playful, grinding, being dominant or dominated in general either way he likes it. He has a bit of a daddy kink

Turn offs: Bodily fluids/ waste, hurting his partner

Rp ocsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora