The Twins (male)

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Name(s): Nathan(left) Patrick(right)

Age(s): (depends on the rp of course)

Gender: "'s pretty obvious." "Of course we're girls."

Personality: Nathan is cold on the outside but can be nice when he wants to be, he's arrogant at times and always has something to say. He's protective but very level headed and fair although he's easily jealous. He usually acts as a filter whenever his brother looses his temper.
Patrick is very dominant and cocky, although Nathan is the "jock" of the family. You rarely see him without a smile unless you've made him angry. He has no filter at all so whatever he thinks is said without hesitation. He hates to share anything he considers his property.

Species: "I'm a flipping vampire duh..." "Of course." (Human)

Likes: Playing football or basketball, hanging out with his group of friends, anything other than work/school, video games, going to the mall, eating, sleeping, playing the guitar, and skateboarding
Anything musical or amusing to him, playing online or just video games in general, sleep, being by himself at times, ditching work/school, going for walks, playing/petting any animal

Dislikes: (both) Being apart for long periods of time, people being annoying or trying to split them up, anything work related, sleeping by themselves, or being in the dark

Sexuality: (both) Closet gay

Position: Seke. Seme. (Although there are rare times when he'll let his partner dominate so sort of a very dominant seke)

Other info: They have no other siblings and only a father who raised them but isn't very involved as a parent in general. Although the twins are okay with it and often didn't notice their dad was gone. (Y'all can rp with just one f them or both, I don't really care either way!)

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