The wolf

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Name: Kai Franx

Nickname: His name is already short

Age: It depends on the roleplay

Gender: Does he look like a girl to you

Sexuality: As straight as a circle (jk he's bi)

Personality: He can be shy and timid around someone he doesn't know but once he gets comfortable then don't screw with him. His emotions are not to be toyed with or he will not hesitate to harm you. Just respect him and he'll do the same. He can also be sort of cold if he doesn't know you well.

Species: Wolf duh

Occupation: Ha nothing but hunting really, well and caring for the pups

Powers: ummm...

Backstory: His is quite normal other than him being a wolf. Nothing really special about him. Although he happened to be an Omega born to an Alpha, he was shunned by his parents and adopted into a new pack at a very young age.

Appearance: ⬆️

Likes: Food, playing, hunting, running around in the open, secretly watching humans, messing with hunters

Dislikes: Hunters finding him, being caged or anything close to it, having his tail stepped on, being looked down on like he's nothing

Other: He's an omega as mentioned

If smut:
Position: Uke

Turn ons: Biting, hickeys, scratches, being rough, aftercare, grinding

Turn offs: Rape, being too rough or to gentle

Rp ocsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora