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Mima : This is so lame! We only had like one trick or treater

Reimu : Meh more candy for me

Mima : Yeah you need more candy

Reimu : Yes I do

Mima : You know in New York we had more Trick or Treaters

Reimu : Those weren't Trick or Treaters, those were Home invaders

Mima : They took some candy

Reimu : Yeah and the television, and the money in the safe and the couch.  Fucking bastards

Mima : REGARDLESS Halloween was more fun in New York

Reimu : *was dressed in a nurse costume * However.... I disagree

Mima : Your nurse costume sucks by the way

Reimu : Hey my costume is hot! Besides I'm not just any nurse I'm an undead nurse

Mima : Nurses aren't scary

Reimu : They are when they're dead.  And what the fuck are you supposed to be anyway

Mima : A middle finger, also known as a FUCK YOU

Reimu : *sighs *

Mima : Do you have any candy ciggarets

Reimu : Uh no

Mima : How about Bret's and fets chewing gum

Reimu : Dude that candy is from the 40s

Mima : And? The 40s were awesome. Old time radio shows, old scary movies and everyone wore a hat. Didn't matter how hot it was, 180 degrees IM WEARING A FUCKING HAT.  That's when Americans were real Americans and would laugh at a potential heat stroke

Reimu : .....How long do you think it'll take to melt a candy bar between my cleavage?

Mima : Dude, don't waste food

Reimu : Who said I'm gonna waste it?

Mima : Eww do you need a cleavage bar?

Reimu : Psh Chocolate is chocolate mother fucker I don't care if it was stuck to someone's balls I'm eating it

Mima : Next year better not suck or else that nurse costume is gonna be so far up your ass you'll be coughing up foam for a year

Yuuka : Let's not go to that house Noriko those people are weird

Noriko : Okay Mommy

Mima : Worst.... Halloween...Ever... EVER

Mima : You didn't get any candy cause you didn't come to my door because it's spooky and you don't have the balls.  No balls no candy!

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