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  (A/n) = Animatronic name (only applies in the story, at then end A/N is authors note) 

  You opened your eyes painfully, whimpering. You were in a dark room, but somehow you could see perfectly... You tried to move, but every time you tried pain shot through you. You sat there for a little, taking in your surroundings. You were in the storage room downstairs, where they put all the spare or broken animatronic suits. Wait... speaking of suits.. You actually moved this time, the pain was less sharp now. You lifted up your arm and stared at it. It looked like one of (A/n)'s arm, the animatronic you had built when you were 6... You had built her/him surprisingly well, but... how did you get in the suit?! You stood up stiffly, leaning heavily on a shelf. (A/n) was a cat animatronic who had four arms, a metal tail, and metal plates some places. You were very happy when you made her though, she was beautiful in her own way. 

  You looked around again and stretched, testing out the suit. Everything still hurt a little, but not by much. You noticed there were lots of blood stains on the front of the suit, but that didn't matter. You wondered if you could go home like this... Your Dad would probably freak out. WAIT. DAD!! WHERE IS HE?! You move very suddenly and theres a snap, you collapsing on the ground with a small scream. Horror came over you as you realized you were in a spring suit. If you move too fast, it'll activate a springlock failure, which will send drills down to your bones.... You have to be careful of that from now on. 

You got up slowly and walked toward the door. The handle was unlocked so you staggered out, leaning on the wall. Your tail dragged on the floor behind you, and you made the occasional creaking sound from your suit. You made your way through the halls to your Dad's office, and you creak open the door. It's empty, which means it must be either really early or he's not working tonight... Probably the latter. You entered the room, not shutting the door behind you. You knew there was a phone in here somewhere.. Aha! You saw it on a shelf, and quickly picked it up. It took you a couple tries, but you finally managed to dial your home phone. You placed it to your ear as it rang, and suddenly you heard his voice. "Hello?? Have you found her/him??" Tears leaked, he cared! "̨D͡-D̡ąd̴͡? ̵ ̷Are ̸͡y͟o̡͞u͠ ̵͝ţh͟͡ȩ̴r̷̛͢é.̡.̧͏̶.̶? ̨" The voice on the other side hitched. "(Y-Y/n)...?" "͝Dad! ͡ Y͡-͡Y̶ea͝ ҉i̧t̷s͞ me, įm at ̨t̢hè pi͡z̴z̢a̕ria, ͢ ͏wh͞at̸ ha̷p͟pe͘ned̴? ͜! ͞" ͝  Your voice glitched out a lot, but you could tell he heard you. "Oh my god! You're ok!! I-I found your body in the bathroom, you were so bloody.. You were still breathing though, and i knew i had to save you, but your wounds were so bad, so i... i had..." His voice cracked as he struggled to get the words out, tears spilling rapidly. You shushed him, understanding. "̕Dad͠, ̕Dad҉ i͠ts̷ ok͠, ͠ ̢im̶ fi̸n͟e, im͢ ̴not̴ ҉d̡e̴ad͘! ͜ Thank ͜y̷o͞u ... ͟y̵ou ̶s͠av͏èd͝ ͢me.̨." He started to sob quietly. "I know... but you... A-are you in pain..?" "A ̵l͡i͜tţle, ͞bu͟t t̴h͞e͟ pa҉i̧n ̧f͘ade̴d ͝a w̴h͏ile ̕ago, ̢ im͢ ̷f͝i͏͜҉҉ne ͘ǹow͢!" You said, trying to comfort him. You had never heard him this broken.. "Dad Im Fine, do҉nt worry! You Can See Me tomorrow night, dont worry! ҉" ͏Your voice started to glitch out more, and you panicked a little. "(Y/n)?! Are you going to be ok?!" "Im̢ fine̴, dont̷ wo͠rrr̡r͏y͘ży̸y.͠.̷ !! ͜"He sighed. "Ok... i'll see you tomorrow, k?" "̕s̛e͏e̢ ̢y͘ou̡..͡" The phone went dead, and you sighed.

This was going to be a long night... 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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