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Kenny's POV

It was maybe an hour after I'd left Kyle's house, I didn't stop at my house just in case Death decided to surprise me. We worked on his schedule so I just walked to an empty ally way where I could sort my emotions and die...

I never asked for any of this why me? And this doesn't even bother just me. Now Kyle's involved, How could god do this to me? Is there even a god? I hate these sort of days, the days where I miss a death. Those are the days I have questions. I heard some glass break and my head shot up to the sound. I'm ready, well I'm not, but I don't have a choice. I really hate dying...

I don't think this is fair. It's not fair to Karen who mourns her brother every day unknowingly, It isn't fair to Kyle who's suddenly caught in the middle of it all, he's questioning his religion. And it's not fucking fair to me. Why did it have to be me? What did I do to deserve all this pain? "Hey kid." I looked up to see a tall man in dirtied blue jeans and a large trench coat. "Yes sir?" I said. "You got any money." He asked, I shook my head no "Sorry sir."  I said keeping his gaze, waiting.

Just as I expected his expression changed from sadness to rage. Like every let down in his life had just repeated itself and sat right in front of him. The man picked up a bottle and smashed the end of it. "It's always something." The mans voice was low and depressed, he was so tired. All things I recognized, I knew the man wasn't thinking clearly Death had that affect on people. When Death was near to take me once again, he helped speed up the process. He helped this human man feel every horrible thing he had felt before times ten and he puts all the bad energy into me the punching bag that never stayed down, 'the target' but I didn't try stopping him. "You... You ruined my life kid!" The man stabbed the bottle into my chest, over and over and over again to which I choked up some of my own blood. "Oh jesus... what have I done!!?" Yes that's what they always say when Death loosens his grip I thought to myself.

The man ran leaving me to bleed out. I just lay there.... and felt really tired... I'll be back tomorrow Kyle.... Don't worry please...

That night Kyle worried.

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