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Kenny's POV

I woke up at starks pond today confused but quickly remebered my dad murdered me and Karen saw everything...I wasn't feeling very peppy today but I gathered myself and stood up dusting myself off. I stretched my arms high in the air a few joints popped in an inhuman way but it felt good. (:

I looked down in the snow where my phone lay, had Karen slipped it back into my pocket? I shrugged and picked it up the screen glowed and displayed a few messages from Kyle. I guess he got got the news about my dad beating the shit out of me...

Kyle: please be safe walking home. Yea your only a few houses down but still.

Kyle: Ken? I just saw police fly down the street to your house, are you okay?

Kyle: three missed calls

Kyle: I'm sorry. I'm coming over I have to know what's going on.

Oh god... I didnt want Kyle to see that, it's a little easier now that he's aware of the whole undead thing but he's still fragile.
Even if it were nothing it wouldn't stop Kyle from worrying. I began sprinting home, the sound of my boots crushing the snow under me was loud and comforting. It reminded me that I was solid, not a ghost. I was alive.

I made it to the neighborhood and rushed to my house. It was empty, police tape lined the perimeter. This was different, I pushed the front door open as the lock was long broken. Chalk lined where my body had been along with a large dried blood stain. This was all so strange where was Karen?

I left and rushed towards Kyle's house, walking in without knocking. I was halfway up the stairs before Mrs.Broflovski stopped me."Oh Kenny just who I wanted to see." I faced her "Hi Mrs.Broflovski, sorry for barging in but I really need to see Kyle." She smiled "Not before we have a conversation." She said and patted the cushion beside her on the couch. For the next 20 minutes Sheila proceeded to explain the birds and the bees and safe sex to me, she even managed to threaten my life if anything happened to her precious baby. This was worse then being murdered by my father. I was not prepared for this side quest and personally I felt 18 was a little late to be having 'the talk' but what do I know? I guess even Sheila forgot I died yesterday "You have nothing to worry about Mrs.B...uhm can I go now?"
-"Kenny?" We turned to see Kyle at the bottom of the stair case it was obvious that he'd been crying.

"Kyle what's wrong sweetheart?" Sheila asked Kyle waved her off "It's just allergies ma, can I have Kenny now?" She smiled and nodded "Fine, but keep the door open young man."
I thanked her for this interesting conversation and followed kyle up to his bedroom.

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