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Kenny's Pov

It seemed like it was taking forever to get where I was going but it would all be worth it. I'd get to see Kyle and tell him everything, I knew exactly where he was. We used to skip rocks at Starks pond together all the time.
The large deep pond was frozen over with a thin layer of ice, that didn't stop Kyle from throwing rocks from the other side though. "Kyle." I said as I smiled and waved in his direction. He stood Imedently "Kenny! Finally!!" I was surprised to see him run at me and tackle me into the snow. I laughed and grinned as a blush crept across his face. "Sorry" he said nervously. I smirked "don't worry about it." I flipped us over so I was on top. "Hey, I gotta tell you somthing" I started while stradling him. "Uhm suure." His blush darkened. "Great, meet me here around 11 don't be late." He nodded as I lifted myself off him. Before I left I hear a faint and nurvous "fuck." Come out of Kyles mouth.

~Time skip~ ☆☆☆

Kyle's POV

I sat on my mattress in complete shock and utter fear. I still remember Kenny's scent from when he straddled me, He smelt like cigarettes and ax body spray. It was pretty overwhelming actually, but ateast he didn't smell like a corpse. He really did clean up nice. The alarm clock on my night stand read 10:48 PM. Not long now. I stood up putting on my snow gear and attempting to brush my insane ginger hair, I quickly gave up and pulled on my green hat before slipping out the door.

Kenny's POV

If I said I wasn't nurvous that would be an understatement. I sat in the cold snow on a blanket across from the beautiful lake once again, waiting for Kyle's arrival. I was going to tell him everything tonight, even if it killed me.
In my hands I held the daisy's from earlier with the roots still attached. One day I'll buy him a real bouquet, for now these stolen daisy's would do.

I jumped at the sound of snow crushing as I turned my head to the sound and nearly threw up at the sight of Kyle Broflovski. NO he was not revolting, that was the problem. He was so handsome that my stomach couldn't take it, I'll be fine. "Hi Kyle." I hid the flowers.
"Hi Kenny" he smiled, Jesus I pat a spot next to me on the blanket for Kyle to sit. "So what did you want to talk about?" He asked, that question nearly killed me. This shouldn't be a dificult topic! So why is it so hard to make words come out of my mouth?

"Uhm... I." He looked at me "Uhm so Stan knows now.. That I die and come back." I am an Idiot. "Oh. That's good right?" I nodded. "Yes the majority of my friends are aware now. I think I'm okay if Cartman doesn't know." Kyle nodded and snickered. "Hey." He said grabbing my shoulder. "What did you really want to talk about?" My face flushed he's so smart. Okay, here goes... everything. "kyle.. I, damn it I like you a lot." Mentally beating the shit out of myself. Kyle blushed "you do?" I struggling to hold eye contact my face was so hot.

"Kenny I like you too." I was baffled "Oh...nice." after that, we didn't speak for a while we just sat there in comfortable silence. When I impulsively started leaning in to his face, I was shocked to see Kyle copying me. We blushed as I sealed the gap between us. This kiss was amazing but the person bestowing the kiss made it a thousand times better. Kyle's lips were soft and sweet I pushed forward deepening the kiss. "Kenny.." we pulled apart for air. "Hm.?" His green eyes looked back into my blue ones. "are we dating?" He asked as I placed my hand on his cheek.
"Do you want to be?" He nodded. "Then yes." I handed him the daisy's he smiled wide and happily. I couldn't help smiling myself as I playfully pinned him down and kissed his face and neck. This wasn't going any further tonight we just lived in the moment where it was just kyle and I nothing else really mattered.

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