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I felt a pang in my chest. My brother's name kept echoing in my head, again and again. My fingers were so numb I could barely feel the steering wheel. I was crushed, my hope shattered, nothing felt real to me. It seemed like all was just a bad dream, and that I would wake up sooner or later.

But it wasn't.

Ever since then, I kept my distance, knowing you didn't feel the same way. I could see the hurt in your eyes when I ignored you. But you had someone else to replace me- Roy. I felt betrayed. He is my brother. And you-you were everything to me. Jealousy, Envy, Hatred, Depression, it all just wouldn't go away. Just like you. Ever since then, I went out on numerous dates. None of them could make me stop thinking about you. They were all just to fill the gaping hole in my heart. The heart you stole a place from, but never wanted to return.

Leftover Letter (Leftover Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now