Ignore Advice That Doesn't Work

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My first tidbit, and a bit of a caveat, is that if any piece of writing advice you see doesn't work for you (even if it's from a famous author), ignore it.

Anne Rice said recently that the advice that writers must write every day (more on this later) actually blocked her and kept her from achieving her goals. At one point, the idea that I must pre-write stories in long-hand got in my head, and blocked me for, well, way too long.

The point is, pay attention to the bits of advice you pick up along the way. See if they help you get your stories down, or if they don't. And if they don't, chuck 'em.

That's it? Yeah, that's it. How much more deliberation do we need on "ignore advice that doesn't work for you"? But it's important. Crucial, even.

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