CHAPTER SIX: Yellow Monsters of Death

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Nicole was plummeting fast through what felt like water, but somehow was much lighter.

It shifted around her body, pushing her upwards. She couldn't breathe.

She opened her eyelids by a centimeter and looked down to see the top of Kelly's head, her brown hair tossing wildly.

Above her, a dark landscape was growing closer at an astronomical speed, until her head emerged in a new-and rather smelly-world.

She appeared to be standing in a small pool of rainbow pigments, glistening like oil does on water.

The plot-hole now only came up to her ankles, and she stepped easily out onto the dirty pavement, her wet converse squishing out kaleidoscope colored slime.

Behind her, Kelly emerged, hair plastered to her face, clothes dripping.

"Yuck!" Kelly whined, wringing her hands and sending drops of color splattering across the dreary landscape like paint.

"I'm covered in plot-hole juice."

Nicole looked down at her own clothes, her daily attire of black now splashed with varying shades of pink and blue.

Evan's head appeared out of the plot-hole, screaming.

When he saw the girls, he stopped abruptly and coughed rather awkwardly, only to scream again as Arthur's horn appeared, followed by his head.

"Watch it, horse! You just stuck your hoof up my-"

Kelly cleared her throat loudly over Evan and Arthur's bickering.

"When you're both quite done," Kelly said with a frown, "will someone clarify if we are, in fact, in London?"

They were definitely in a city, but the likes of which Kelly had never seen.

There was no ocean or palm trees in sight, and the sun itself seemed to be hidden behind a grey sky.

The road they stood on was flanked by tall, ominous buildings, so tall their tops might be scraping the sky, and the whole place smelled disgusting, like something had died, been made into a burrito and eaten by a dog, and then that dog had died and fallen into the sewers.

"This place isn't London," frowned Evan, the disappointment evident in his voice. "It smells different."

"Well, humans," Arthur began in a lofty tone, "the plan of action is clear. Firstly, we shall need to get out of this alley and find a more populated area. Secondly, I will require someone to brush out my tail and mane, as the plot-hole slime is probably quite bad for my hair. Thirdly-"

"Stop right there," Evan commanded. "We are not 'brushing out your tail'."

"As your leader," Arthur began, chest swelling in defiance, "my wish is your command."

"Everybody just shut it, alright?" Nichole yelled, barging in before Evan could respond.

"Kelly is the leader, not you, Brit-" she pointed accusingly at Evan, "or you, narwhal horse," she finished, inclining her head towards Arthur.

"Why me?" Asked Kelly, at the same time as Arthur asked "why her?"

Evan, however, was nodding. "For the first time-and probably the last-I agree with the blonde. Kelly is the only one here who doesn't want to be leader, so she should lead us."

"That makes absolutely no sense," said Kelly.

"C'mon, sis," Nichole whined, "please?"

Kelly rolled her eyes, but a small smile played on her lips. "Alright, fine then. We need some new clothes."

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