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April 17 2016 | 5:55 AM |

After many days with little kids running around the basilica and the Pope, Tito and De la Rea being gone, business was finally back to normal in Vatican City.

Pope's deals with the Russians was a success which meant many briefcases of cash and a lot of deliveries of ammunition that was totally secret to the outside world.

Tito apparently had stood up to the Pope for the first time and Confiscuori actually was proud of him for no longer being a kiss ass. I can't help, but think I might have had something to do with it.

De la Rea continues to be an intriguing mystery and I continue to befriend him. There is something extremely wise about him that I seem to want to learn from.

My feelings no longer consume every minute of every day I live, but they take over my nights. My bed is my saviour and this room, my safe haven, but those last few minutes before I wake up, when I'm dreaming and my sleep is the lightest, those minutes are my kryptonite.

In the past few weeks, I've dreamt of the whole world burning in flames because of my help to In Tenebris. I've dreamt of the team getting hurt while I was hear working for the enemy. I've also dreamt I was being chased by Rottweilers only to find out they were actually trying to warn me about my family being in danger and my fears led me away from saving them.

These dreams never stop being weird and torturous, but I can manage. Because when I wake, I have a nice breakfast prepared by Frederico, I have a nice conversation with him and Maria since she wakes up as early as me. I workout or simply work alongside Vico. I get to business and if, and only if, I manage to let myself forget what the purpose of my job is, I can actually enjoy it. Although every ounce of me misses my family, I'm starting to go back to sanity, slowly but surely.


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