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Chapter 33

I clear my throat and put my hands together on the desk.

"Sir, I'm sure we can come to some agreement. Why is it you want to pull out of the deal?"

"Didn't you just hear me? I told you how crazy I find the Pope's In Tenebris project" he almost laughs as he falls back in his chair.

I take a long breath not breaking eye contact with Mr. Desalzo.

I look through my file and find Ms. Aldantti and Ms. Grizzo's contract.

"Signorinas, can you please sign your contracts to finalize the discussion we've made today."

Without a word, they sign them while continuously looking between Mr. Desalzo and I. I don't forget to give them their copies of the contracts since it's the personal ones that I have added my touch to.

"It was a pleasure to do business with the both of you. You are very inspiring women."

They both give me a loving handshake before leaving the conference room and closing the door behind them.

"One smart move after another," Mr. Desalzo says in a genuine yet simultaneously mocking tone. "I hope your luck runs out soon enough."

I remain standing. I put my two hands on the edges of the table and I lean on them, falling a bit forward towards him.

"First of all, this isn't luck. Second, I heard you when you said that your morals didn't fall in line with In Tenebris'. But I can't wrap my mind around the fact that a man like you runs this company and earns the money he does by having all his projects fall in line with his morals."

He chuckles.

"Why don't you sit down?"

"Sir," I start, ignoring what he's said. "I assure you there is more in this deal to advantage you than the Pope. All he needs is the money and he needs it so much, that if you ask me, he is offering you way too much in return. You're walking away from a deal like this and I have no choice but to leave this building not even bothered by you turning us down. This was an unfair deal to begin with and the scale was heavier on your side."

I grab the files I had put out on the table. I carefully put them in my bag, I grab my phone and start walking out.

His chair, so fortunately, is the one right next to the conference room door. I circle it and as I am about to walk out, he grabs my wrist.


I look at it, one eyebrow raised.

"I need to explain myself," he tries again.

I close the door and sit in the seat to his right. "Well, look at that. He does have morals. You feel the need to explain yourself?" I question.

"I understand how generous the deal is," he starts. "However, the safety of my company is the most important thing to me. The Pope's.... Hmm, how do you say in English? La sua retorica."

"Oh, his rhetoric. His persuasive speech."

"Yes, his rhetoric is extremely controversial. I cannot have that affect my company any more."

"Anymore or any more? Has the Pope been affecting you for long or is there something else affecting your company?"

I know very well that the Pope has never done work with anyone outside the Vatican before this. Desalzo has another deal that's bothering him.

He chuckles. "I have a lot on my plate, Miss Manuel. I am very busy trying to control the outcomes of certain deals I have done a long time ago. I don't have the energy or the money to help the Pope."

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