Chapter Two: Gloomy Piano

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You wandered and roamed around the dimly lit hallways, looking for the library. Specifically the piano. Toffee never let you play the piano, supposedly because "Oh, I don't want you to ruin the piano keys." God, you hated the way he sneered at you. It was always "I'm the boss" or "I take care of you. Respect me." Grrr... You growled to yourself. Eventually, you found the room with the keys of gold. You quietly and steadily opened the wooden frame that blocked the white blocks of music. You began to play your favourite song. The song had such a beautiful chord to it. That's why you loved it. It was a such a bittersweet, emotionally packed piece of melancholy art, that it held a special place in your heart. You perfectly executed all the notes it the right manner, you had impressed yourself. Then, you heard a thud.


You sprinted as fast as you could down the dim corridor, your heart beat matching with your foot steps. You knew Toffee could find you with all the noise you made, but you out smarter the odds by sliding down the stairs and making a quick leap down and sliding to your door. You blasted into your room at the speed of light and balled it into your bed, making sure to close the door on the way. It was only two minutes before Toffee had gotten up and went straight to your room. "GODDAMNIT (Y/N), I TOLD YOU NOT TO PLAY THE PIANO!" He shouted it quite enough not to wake anyone. You shook your head, putting on the best voice to make it sound like you were tired. "Huh? I wasn't playing the piano.." You made a fake groaning noise and rolled over. He hissed furiously and stormed out. Wow, a bit grumpy, eh? You thought to yourself.

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