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~~~~Uma's pov

I ran past my crew members rushing to the garage where I knew they were headed. I had to get there before they closed the barrier I couldn't lose to her again. As soon as I got to the garage they were pulling away. I thought about chasing them and somehow stopping the car but decided just to slip past the barrier instead. I stood there for a second catching my breath and noticed a small book laying on the ground. It had a crest of a dragon on it. Ooohhhh was it my lucky day, Mal's spell book.

I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. This was gonna come in handy. I slipped it into my jacket pocket and decided not to waste any more time. I had just started running when I heard harry calling my name.

"What!?" I asked as I whipped my head around, if he didn't shut up it would be too late.

"You need to take me with you!" He says clearly out of breath from chasing after me.

"Why?! So you can run off to your psycho girlfriend? Huh?!" I say, not believing that he still would want to go with her.

"Uma you're going to need back up! And if I get to see her then so be it!" He says but I know his real reasons. He's going to leave me and the crew behind to go to her! 'How selfish' I think to my self and a scowl makes its way to my face.

"Not a chance Hook!" I say and book it to the barrier. If I don't make it this will all be his fault.

I had gotten to the edge of the barrier just before it closed and dived into the water. I used the necklace my mother gave me to become a sea monstera and I swim to shore. Now I just have to find Ben.

~~~~ meanwhile your POV.

I stood on the pedistol looking at myself in the mirror. I was amazed that Evie could capture my style and made a dress so perfect without even asking me for an opinion. I guess that she really did know me well. I stood there in a long floor length black dress. It had a corset top which sinched my waist, and a layered tool bottom which elegantly flowed out from my waist. (The dress at the top)

"I love it Evie I can't believe you did this!" I say turning and giving her a massive hug.

"Are you questioning my abilities  y/n?" Evie asks raising a sly brow, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Never!" I say and we both burst out into laughter. "So what did you do to mals dress?" I say leaning over the table where she was working on the blue and yellow dress.

"You'll just have to wait until she gets here!" She says pulling a large cart of dresses in front of the dress so it was out of view.

"Finnnneeeee." I say whining "how do you even know she'll come?" I ask knowing that Ben gave her a choice and she didn't seem in the best spirits when we left her.

"I just know!" Evie says and just then there is a small knock at the door. I turn to see just the person we were talking about. "See told you!"

"I came for that fitting E." Mal says making her way to the pedistol, and evie quickly had the dress on her and made some small last minute changes before letting map or I look.

I was actually very pleased with the changes that evie made to maps dress. She had shortened the front, exposing some layers of a petty coat hidden underneath, and added some gloves to give it that isle style. (Hey that rhymed lol)

"Wow this looks fantastic Mal. Just wait til Ben sees you!" I say and she smiles lightly. I know that she's nervous but she shouldn't be he loves her so much.

We don't end up changing out of our dresses and just wait for cotillion in evies studio.

After a while we walk to the carriages meeting up with Jay, Lonnie, Carlos, and Jane on the way. Mal had to arrive separately so she could make her grand entrance so she went in a different carriage. The conversations were all about mal and Ben on the boat. Either about how cute they were together or about how someone thought mal was overrated.
*cough* Audrey *cough*.

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