//Chapter 4//

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Hey there! I'm so happy to see I have more readers and supporters for the ship, Kacchako. The Bnha fandom is so pleasant, everyone is pretty easy going about ships and it's like, "Oh yeah, you ship IzuOcha? That's cool! I ship Kacchako" and everyone is so mellow it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! 😊
The streets were busy with commotion. People hurrying amongst one another to shops and businesses. The rain falling like a draping curtain over the bare boned structures and rooftops. A grey strip of sky and monotone clouds. Uraraka wrinkled her nose as a droplet fell from the sky and hit her square on the nose. Bakugou bit the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling at her screwed up expression. She did look rather funny. Kind of like a bunny. Adorable. She blushed when she realised he was watching her and forced her gaze on the bright flowers being sold across the street in a cute red trolley. He followed her eyes and blinked at the flowers. They seemed so out of place among the grey streets and buildings. Uraraka hesitated as she turned back to him, fidgeting with the hem of her pink cardigan. "B-Bakugo?"
"Hah?" He swivelled around. "What?"
She made herself seem keenly interested in the pavement below their feet as she uttered, "Where do you want to go eat?" He frowned.

"I don't care where."
She looked up at him, her eyebrows drawn together. He sighed.

"...you know, I hear there's a cool place down that street that makes r–really good ramen," he mumbled. He shoved his hands abruptly in his pockets and forced his eyes away from her softly glowing cheeks. She always had that pink flush on her face. She smirked. "Okay, lets go there then."

They took three left turns then a right before they found the small ramen shop hiding amongst the apartment blocks and various other shops. The sweet but spicy scent of one of Bakugou's favourite ramen stores ghosted across his face and he let a small smile split upon his face. "Come on," he said as he dragged her into the shop.

The store was warm and Uraraka felt her body become engulfed in the heat and flurry of bright colours, red, orange and gold. Tapestries hung from the walls and traditional furniture sprung up like bamboo shoots from the ground. The place wasn't full but not empty either. There were about 4 people or so. It was quiet and the gentle lulling of chimes filled the walls of the shop. Bakugou lead her over to the bench tops and stools. She smiled and sat down, tucking her skirt beneath her. Bakugou sat down beside her on a stool of his own. "A bowl of Hakata ramen and Sapporo ramen please, with gyoza." He signalled to the chef who with a nod, disappeared into the back.

Uraraka began fiddling with the hem of her candy pink cardigan again. Her chubby cheeks flushed again. Bakugou found himself leaning closer. Their faces were inches apart. Uraraka's eyes widened. "B–Bakugou-kun?"
She felt a pinch on her cheeks and let out a small squeak of dismay.

"Your cheeks. They're like mochi."

Uraraka's face flooded with colour. She huddled into his chest, burying her face in embarrassment. Bakugou froze at her touch. His arms held in mid-air, jaw agape in surprise.
"One bowl of Sapporo ramen and one of Hakata ramen?" called the chef. Bakugou leapt back like he'd been bitten by a snake. Rivulets of sweat dripped from his forehead. "Ye-yeah. Over here," he stammered. He inhaled deeply as the mouth-watering bowl was placed down in front of him. Uraraka giggled, 'He's practically salivating,' she thought amusedly as she dug in to her own bowl. The warm broth filled her stomach with heat instantly. She let a breath out in satisfaction. Turning to her left, she watched as Bakugou shoved mouthfuls of noodles and meat into his mouth hungrily. Broth splashed lightly against his face and some of it slipped over the sides of his bowl. She couldn't stifle it when a giggle escaped her lips. He halted his ravenous movements at the sound and blushed; the half eaten noodles slipping out from his open mouth. His wide-eyed stared fixed on her grinning face.

"I—uh..." He struggled for words. She laughed.
"Y–shut up, Uraraka."

She spun around in her seat, her back to him. She mumbled to herself and glanced away. They remained in awkward silence for a moment before she perked up with, "I'm sorry. I just thought...I thought it was cute." She could see the tips of his ears turning an alarming scarlet colour.

"I'm sorry."
"Don't. Don't apologise," he gruffly answered. She let out a sigh and started eating again. The bits of leek floated aimlessly around in the leftover soup of her bowl and she watched in resigned silence. Bakugou finished his and started on his gyoza. The remaining three customers had left and it was now only them in the restaurant. The lights outside had become dim, like the halos of angels coating the roads in golden silence. Bakugou chewed the last of his gyoza and stared absently out of the corner of his eye at Uraraka as she slurped up the last of her soup. A little droplet escaped her mouth and ran down the corner of her lip. He watched as it slid down the creamy skin of her jaw onto her neck. She put down the bowl and gazed over at him, running her tongue over her pink lips. "Something wrong?" she said quietly watching his eyes. His face bloomed red, eyes darting around nervously.
"No," he grunted. She looked down at her lap. "Oh. Okay."

He grumbled under his breath.
"C'mere." He grasped her chin between his calloused fingertips and ran a napkin along the seam of her mouth. The intensity of his glare sent the fizzing of fireworks up her spine and a plummeting weight in her chest. Her heart beat hard like drums in her rib cage. He pulled away, throwing the used rubbish aside.

Bakugou paid for their meals and offered to take her home to which she replied, "Oh! Th-thank you," with a blush. As they walked beneath the pale yellow glare of the street lights, Uraraka snuck a peek at Bakugou's expression. His mouth sewn in a firm line and his eyebrows screwed tightly together. He looked emotionally constipated. She chuckled lightly and tentatively slid her fingers into his hand. He pretended not to notice and kept his pace. "You know," she murmured, "I enjoyed it."
"Enjoyed what?"
"Our date." she said with a soft smile.
He spluttered. His face exploding in crimson. "Our WH–WHAT?!"
Uraraka laughed.
"Our date. I liked it." Bakugou remained silent and squeezed her hand. As her house came into view amidst the late night fog, he stopped at her gate.
"Me too."
"Me too, I—I liked it." He ground out between clenched teeth and with that he turned on his tail and walked off. Knowing there would be no point in calling him back she called out, "Goodnight Bakugou-kun!" He cussed loudly and turned a corner. She opened her front door and with butterflies fluttering in her belly went inside with thoughts of a certain temperamental, spiky-haired teenager in mind.

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