// Chapter 6 //

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Guys don't hate me. I been through stuff and I've only just gotten my mojo back. Expect maybe two chapters? (Three if you're lucky.) ;)

Uraraka squeezed the bridge of her nose in frustration. The constant sound of water dripping outside was calming. She tapped the top of her pen against the binder thoughtfully. "Hmm..."
The rain had come to a slow fall now, easing as the soft rays of sunlight seeped through the grey skies. The brunette sighed and stood up, rubbing her shoulders thoughtfully. "Uraraka?" A voice called. Ochako smiled.
"Yes, Tsuyu-chan?" A girl with dark hair down to her lower back came out from behind a nearby bookshelf carrying a small stack of books in her arms. She gave Uraraka a sheepish smile and sat the stack down. "How're you holding up?"

Ochako sighed, "Not so well." Tsuyu's brows creased. "Why?" Uraraka's pen stilled on the paper. She sighed and glanced at Tsuyu, "I'm scared."
Her friend frowned. She came over and put a hand on her shoulder. "You can talk to me about it if you want." Her expression was soft. The rain outside has slowed to a light pattering on the rooftop above.
"There's...there's a thing between me and Bakugou–" Uraraka started.
"Really?" Tsuyu couldn't help but interject. This was not what she had expected. But why was her brunette friend scared? Had he hurt her?
"So why are you scared?" Ochako's eyes widened. She forced her eyes down to her hands fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"I just...I don't know what we have? And what about Deku?" She was confused. And now Tsuyu could see the fear that tainted her friend's heart. She was afraid for someone else, it was so like her to think of Deku's feelings before anyone else's especially her own.
"Ur-Ochako. It is a kindness that you have thought about Deku and care enough to think about it but consider this, theoretically, if you did date him...would you be happy?" said Tsuyu. For a moment there was only silence ringing in the library. The space was barren of sound.
"I think I– well I know that Deku likes me," said Uraraka.
"But...?" prompted Tsuyu.
The short haired girl gave an incoherent mumble and hid her face in her hands. Tsuyu leaned forward and cupped her left ear. "What was that?" Ochako squeaked, "Bu–but I think I LIKE BAKUGOU!" Tsuyu stifled a giggle.
"Then I think you have your answer," she said patting the girl's shoulder with a soft smile. There was a click as the door opened and Deku came into the library, his hands full of books. He spotted his two friends and came over with a concerned expression. His gaze came to rest on Uraraka first, "Are you okay Uraraka-san?"

The girl in question smiled and nodded energetically, "Of course!" Deku gave an uneasy smile. "Did–did Kacchan saying anything to you? Anything that upset you?" He had a soft but puzzling look on his face. Uraraka pinned it down to worry but it couldn't by anything more...right? "Oh no," she laughed, "he didn't. We just bickered a little. Nothing to worry about!" Tsuyu frowned at her short haired friend in thought. Deku managed an uneasy smile. "Good then. And you, Tsuyu-san? How are things?" he said turning to the frog girl. Tsuyu smiled, "I'm good! Actually, I have some extra assignments to work on from Aizawa-sensei! I'll see you guys later!" And with that, she left silently closing the door behind her. From across the room behind a few shelves, the sound of Denki and his gang of friends could be heard sniggering. Whatever they were up to couldn't be good, surmised Uraraka. Ashido and the others were outside and could be seen from the upper most window outside. Deku watched them and laughed, his eyes trained on a certain head of dual coloured hair. "Uraraka-san?"

Ochako blinked when as she was broken from her reverie of thoughts by Deku. "Uraraka-san... there's something I want to talk to you about." His usual shy demeanour was replaced with a look of shy but courageous determination. His cheeks flushed slightly, "I–I have always admired you. You've worked so hard to be where you are now. To become a hero for your parents and support them. Out of anyone I know, there's no one else with a more honourable cause than you to become a hero." Uraraka felt her face heat up.

"Th-thank you Deku-kun! But you're an amazing hero too! You–you started small and now look how far you've come! I've always idolised you as well." She could now feel her entire face glowing red hot. Deku was also going a peculiar shade of crimson.

Bakugou huffed as marched down the hallway to find Kirishima. That spike headed moron was probably with Denki again. He slouched over irritably, running the events of his date with Uraraka through his head for the hundredth time. Why did she want to go on another date with him? Did she actually like him? Him of all people? Bakugou never assumed to be what you'd call pessimistic especially about himself but...she was always eyeing Deku. Always laughing and talking with him. For some dreadful reason unknown to Bakugou, that was an annoyance of a special kind. He had said yes to another date next week but found himself now questioning why he wanted to go with her again. He stopped short when he heard Uraraka's voice ring out into the corridor. He mentally chided himself not to go find her but his impulse to see her smiling face again won his logical side over. He followed her soft tones into the library.

"...that's why, I wanted to tell you," murmured Deku shyly. Bakugou froze and scrambled behind a nearby bookcase, peering through a gap between some graphic novels at Uraraka and Deku. His heart beat rapidly in his chest.
"...Uraraka-san? I—I like you."

Bakugou felt his blood boil unceremoniously in his veins. He wanted to go over there and blast that freakin nerd's face off. But reason held him to his spot, his feet rooted to the ground. A cold sweat swept over him and not waiting to hear the rest, he bolted out from the library into the courtyard. The sound of the door slamming violently shocked Ochako. She chanced a glimpse of familiar ashen blonde spikes as dread settled into her stomach. She glanced from Deku to the door and back at Deku again. "Dek–Izuku-kun..." she started. Deku felt his heart drop to the soles of his feet. He gave her a sad smile. "Go to him." Uraraka inwardly cried out in despair. She couldn't bare to leave him like this. But she had to see Bakugou, if that had been him. She had to explain. She took off after him, her hair scratching at her cheeks as she searched for the angry teen's usual scowl. 'There!' she breathed in relief. Bakugou was standing at the gates, his back turned. She sprinted towards him. Her heart jolted as he half turned to look at her. His expression was unreadable. "Bakugou-kun... that wasn't what it looked like. I mean, well, it was but–!"
"I don't fucking care. You two deserve each other," he snapped venomously. Ochako' eyes widened. "I–what are you talking about?" He glared sharply at her, swivelling in his spot to face her with his back ramrod straight and an angry snarl gracing his face. "You know what the fuck I'm talking about!" he growled. She felt her feet backtrack slightly. Her heart stuttered in her chest making her unconsciously clench and unclench her hands. She frowned. "You never even stayed to hear what I was going to say, Bakugou-kun!" she exclaimed angrily. He was so frustrating. Maybe she should accept Deku's feelings just to spite him! But then...that would only be cruel to Deku. She felt heat prick the back of her eyes.

Bakugou didn't know how to describe the inner turmoil he was facing within himself. He had never felt this way. This bitterness that threatened to swallow him. It enraged him more that he couldn't control it. He hadn't meant it. But why? Why was it so painful, the thought of her accepting Midoriya's feelings? 'Ah crap,' he inwardly cursed, 'she's crying.'

Ochako tried to bite back a sob. She didn't want to cry. Not in front of him and not because of this. She roughly dabbed at her eyes with the heel of her hands. "Why?"

"Why, what?"

"Why would you say that? Do you even care how I feel, Bakugou-kun?" Those words stung him. Guilt rose inside him.
Damn it all.

"I...damn it. You can't–you can't date him!"

"And why not?" she said, her brows drawn together in confusion.

"Because I like you. Fuck."

// NOTE: And in that moment, Bakugou knew he screwed up. I'll try to get a new chapter up tomorrow.  //

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