Live a Little

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(Hugo x Robert)

Hugo pursed his lips looking down to the motorbike. His mind running over the possibilities of what could happen if he got on. They could get into an accident, or he could fall off or-

"Your not chickening out on me are you?" Robert asked.

Hugo looked up to Robert's bored expression. He leaned against his handle bars as Hugo stood outside his house. Holding a helmet Robert tossed him. He stepped back slightly.

"Why don't we take my car. It will be much safer and-"

"Just get on the bike." Robert groaned.

"What if we get into an accident! Or I fall off or-"

"Hugo. I promise. Nothing is gonna happen to you while your with me. Come on and live a little."

Hugo looked to the helmet before inhaling. He looked up to Robert and got on the bike. Robert smirked as Hugo wrapped his arms around Robert and hid in the crevice of his neck and shoulder. Robert chuckled slightly before revving the engine and putted off.

"You can't see anything if your gonna hide back there." Robert said.

"I'm perfectly fine here!" Hugo said.

Robert sighed, "Alright."

"Can't you slow down? If we fall at this speed we could have some serious injuries or-"

"Can't you live a little?"

Hugo perked up, he watched the world speed by before getting to a a stop light. He swallowed thickly clutching onto Robert.

"Relax babe. We're almost there."

Then sputtered off once more. Where they stopped to a small little diner. Hugo was the first to jump off and be glad to make it there in one piece. Robert removed his helmet before going inside. Hugo followed after him inside. Which ended up being a little hole in the wall diner. Hugo already was judging the small place. Noticing the tables and chairs didn't match. And the smell of oil and grease filled the room. A small picture of the staff. And next to it was two blondes, must be the owner and his son. Robert pulled him to a small booth in the back. The server came by dropping off menu's and some water. Robert thanked her as he went through his menu.

"What is this place?" Hugo asked.

"I don't know. A little restaurant that serves really good burgers. Not as good as Joseph's but. Close."

"It smells gross."

Robert glanced up to him, "Hugo. Have I ever doubted you? I got us here okay. And you looked over my shoulder. You gotta live a bit more."

Hugo looked down to his menu, "Alright."

"That a sport."

Hugo smiled softly opening the menu and looking through until he found a burger of his choosing. Which was a plain cheeseburger. While Robert got the whole caboodle. Hugo watched as Robert's jaw unhinged and practically ate the entire thing. Making him almost lose his appetite. Hugo finally turned away to eat his meal.

As they finished and paid. Robert and Hugo went on a walk to the beach. Which was was close to the restaurant. Robert and Hugo walked along the beach before Hugo took his hand. Robert turned to him as he smiled softly. They stopped as Hugo kissed him softly before pulling back.

"I'm living a little."

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