Mental Health

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En la comunidad latina, have ya'll notice que us latinos tend to deny health problems?

No? Just my family? Well fuck😅😅😅

Soooo... back when I was in 7th grade my mom had gotten sick,  now at the time I used to think that my mom's health was not that severe. Meh,  mi mama es fuerte! esto no es serio so whatever. I would go school ya know do my homework y toda la cosa. Slowly I started to notice que my mom ..mmm wasn't getting any better, slowly I started to realize la gravedad de la situación. I had to start cooking for my siblings. Now to this day todavía no se que exactamente que tenia mi mami 😢 I mean kinda so she had depression and emorajjias?.... emorajias ... anyway tenia esas dos cosas i was in 7th sooo 13? My sister 12 and my baby brother was in kinder so 5?.. Ish?

Aaannyywaaay I used to be terrified of go home mi mama luego se desmallaba so easily too. I had to bring food to her she could bearly get up, damn I'm getting sad again😅 I felt like my siblings were my responsibility to top all this off we started to not have money, it was so bad it got to a point were we would only eat Arroz blanco y repollo (col). No nos alcanzaba para la comida. I slowly started to feel like my world was crumbling apart *insert Mad World  by Gray Jules* 

The only thing that made me smile was playing my instrument, my viola to be presice. I've been surrounded by music one way or another so it's something really  meaningfull to me, anyway back to the story!

At times I didn't even want to go home and face the fear of my mom dying on the couch I cried my self to sleep at times my grades started to go down although my music grade  was still high it was falling.

My mom's sister was lowkey mean about all this like ...oky let's me 💯 I don't like her ik ik she's  family or whatever but I don't like her ya'll will understand the more I talk about her through this book...this whatever ya'll get me ... so my mom would call my aunt ,we ganna call her hmm... I'll give her a name later. So at times my mom would tell her that she felt bad and she felt like she was dying and to take care of us if something ever happened, now since this is my mom's older sister she knows how she is, well this biittcch was always "ay no exageres que no te va a pasar nada" ,or  ya know stuff along that line my mom had already told me "mija si me pasa algo tienes que quidar a tus hermanos" so it seems dramatic but my mom was really close to dying I mean she could bearly eat anything when I brought her food, she would stain everything she sat on and it wasn't even a little it was drenched drenched. Heck my dad who I talk to rarely told me to take care of my siblings and not to cause my mom stress. To make this easy for ya'll all explain what was going in in my mom body, at least what i know about what was going on. So this was like a heavy period only it didn't all and it lasted...for like 6 months so yeah. Now my mom did get better and she's okay and alive... I mean not okay😐 okay she's alive so that's what's important right? Anyway she started to drink jugos de beet,carrot y manzana and we were dragged into this my mom couldn't eat meat so we ate pollo😭 ya'll don't know how it felt when I finally got to eat a hamburger it was glorious😢 lol oh and she took pastillas de una naturista. 

I honestly can bearly remember anything that happened idk my sister said it might be because for us it was something tramatic. Maybe, who knows🤔
What's have you guys gone through? Are you guys better? Talk to me... please😭 no foral tho I'm here for ya'll my Dm's are free pa todos

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