Under the same roof

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So most of us live under one roof with our other family members. Or at least my family did in order to save money since no nos alcanzaba.

Well, so at the end of 7th grade when my mom was GETTING BETTER she was still in bad shape, but she decided that it was better to live with her sister, oky so she has a daughter and om😤😤 so my aunt and her daughter already had problems my cousin was going out making desastre y medio she was at the age of..nah she was just rebeling it had nothing to do with her age I was her age too I'm older, so to begun with it was bad my aunt wanted my mom to take care of her husband (he can't move at all...) she would leave him to my mom n leave her all day she also expected my mom to have all the house clean and food ready by the time me my sister and my cousin got home. She fake too bruh like around my dad she nice to us but when he gone it's a whole different story, my dad would leave and we had to get out before she started. We would go to a local park and be there from 3/4 till 7/8 at night. I would try to do my homework the most I could when we got home. Since we had the same class for math however(the only reason why I had that class with her was because my last school never faxed in my grades and I had to get the lowest math😭)  and I actually like math and am good at it she would steal my homework and turn it in as her's -_-   My cousin started rebelling with us there and it just got worse from there she would run away and we had to look for here, since we went to the same school we had to look after her, we couldn't even walk home cuz of her ass. I remember one time I got so feed up I walked with out my cousin and dragged my little sister I didn't care at that moment I was tired I was not my cousin's babysitter she was old enough to know right and wrong! We walked home that day ...kinda my tía made us go into the car and she yelled at my mom but my mom was mad at her because I really don't gatta be behind her ass.

My cousin would talk about us being from Los Angeles though.. since I'm from the outskirts of Los Angeles she would tell everyone I was from LA ..I mean she wasn't lying but damn bitch if I didn't say anything, the fuck you opening your mouth for!? Anyway it got around and some Chola asked me to join her gang like nah thanks but I ain't fuck with Lil fake ass clicks-- kidding I didn't want to be involved with though things I was trying not to be with anybody my cousin on the other hand had been trying to join that damn thing since her 7th grade year and was pissed they asked me and not her😂 they didn't even know who the fuck she was. Shit seemed like a damn movie ya'll. So anyway I became close with those girls they were cool. The things with living with people are the family fights my parents felt like they couldn't speak there minds there thoughts were bottling every thing up, I know it was hard for them to deal with everything. And my aunt problems was just adding fuel to the fire.

One memory I have is when my cousin and aunt were fighting physically so my mom called the cops and my cousin said my mom needed to mind her business like girl!if you dont-! Ugggg!

Do ya'll live with anybody? (Apart from your immediate family) Do yall feel comftrable?

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