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Okay fine I'll admit it I went out with guys against my parents back come on we all have ...oky not all but majority?

So I have this bf right and when I started dating him, I was about to turn 15 and it was all good cuz ya know my parents didn't know but holy shit he made it Facebook offish 😂😂 (if yall get that yall watch swoozie) and my parents FLIPPED omg I was mmmm noooppeeee I was grounded and then this guy lived in the same apt. Complex and didnt go to the same school as me so 😭😭 I didn't see him for a while upsetting y toda la cosa pero yo le aviso dicho que mis parents didn't want me to have a novio.

I remember we would write each other letters and leave either I had to wait for his liddo brother to come or take out the trash at night and place it in a certin spot n whistle yeah I'd if I should be proud or embrassed... at the time I got my phone token away so this was the only way oky? I'm old asf n still can't see him! on the other hand my brother has a gf n my dad over here hyping him up😭😭 telling him son I'll take you to go see your "chiki baby"

I think the hardest part of have a significant other/partner is that your parents have a lot to say when your a minor. My dad don't like my bf while my mom ...I'd about my mom's feelings toward him🤔 his family is what they feel but me ...God I hope they don't think bad of me😭😭

Do yall date? How ya parents react? Do they like your partner?

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