[ Sleeping ]

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          Minhyuk Smut~

Third Person's POV

Minhyuk sat on the couch, his eyes trained on the tv as he rested. If he wasn't so interested into the cartoon playing on the tv the tried boy would have fallen asleep. Plus he wanted to stay up even if he was tired because his beloved girlfriend would be coming home soon at any moment and every small little moment with her was way better than sleep to him.

So as Minhyuk watched tv he waited patiently to hear the familiar sound of the door unlocking along with the sound of your voice calling out "I'm home." But as time passed by Minhyuk only seemed more and more engrossed into the show that he hadn't even heard the door unlock, or hear enter into the house. That was till you came into his line of vision, only then did he take his eyes off the tv, and notice your presence. His brown eyes traveled to your figure and almost instantly he knew you were exhausted.

"Aigoo my poor baby come here." He'd motioned for you to come closer and almost willingly your feet dragged themselves towards your loving boyfriend. I mean who wouldn't wanna cuddle with their lover after a long day of work? (Us single people wanna do it too don't even lie) So you took a seat next to your boyfriend cuddling into his side as he put his arm around you.

"Long day at work?" You simply hummed in reply and Minhyuk kisses the top of your head as sympathy. His long fingers ran thru your hair as the both of you watched tv till you drifted off the sleep. If Minhyuk didn't know better he wouldn't have noticed at all and probably end up waking you up in some dumb way... most likely with him yelling at the tv.

With a small smile Minhyuk picked you up bridal style and walked up the stairs before entering the bedroom, tapping the door closed with this foot. He places you down gently, pulling the covers over your small frame before he kisses your forehand and walks to his side of the bed.

He turned on the tv lowering the volume this time picking a more "adult" like channel so he wouldn't laugh or yell randomly. You were sleeping peacefully, your breathing steady not making much noise. However not too long into your sleep you began to make noises catching Minhyuk off by surprise.

"Jagi.." Minhyuk shook your shoulders lightly, obviously concerned but in return the male received another soft groan from you.

"(y/n) are you okay?" This time he got no response. Shrugging it off as something not to worry about he turned his attention back to the tv. However another soft grunt emitted itself from your lip and you shifted your position slightly.

Growing uncomfortable and a tad concerned Minhyuk shifted into a sitting position and watched over you. Almost is if you knew Minhyuk was watching you stopped making noises and went back sleeping peacefully. With a sigh Minhyuk turned his attention once more back to the tv.

"M-Minhyuk" Assuming you had just woke up he hummed in reply waiting for you to reply. However you never did and he passed it off as you sleep talking, considering you had talked in your sleep a couple times before.

"A-aah M-Minhyuk~" You moaned in your sleep, making Minhyuk snap his head in your direction his eyes wide at this point. Swallowing dryly he continued to listen to see if you'd continue.

"Don't s-stop. R-right the-ere." You moaned a little louder causing Minhyuk to shift a little out of discomfort. The fact he knew you were dreaming about him doing things to you, turn him on and the fact you were moaning made him even more turned on.

Another soft moan left your lips and Minhyuk eyes ran down your sleeping form. Deciding he had enough of your moaning he held your shoulders and shook you slightly. But it came to no avail and he took a different approach.

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