Chapter 1

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Honey Whiskey

''Here's some ice cream,'' Pidge handed the slight frozen box to Lance, who was huddled up in Hunks arms on the couch.

''So, that bitch broke up with you for that ass?'' Pidge snorted, plopping down at the other side from Lance. ''I knew it from the beginning, there was something off about her. She doesn't deserve you anyway man,'' Pidge said as she affectionately rubbed Lance's shoulder. Lance sniffed, and wiped his eyes.

He and Nyma had been together for a year, their anniversary was about two weeks ago, but she broke up with him over text telling him she had been in love with Rolo for a while now. And that she didn't want to play Lance anymore. It took a toll on Lance, as he called over his two best friends in seek for some comfort.

''She never liked us anyway,'' Hunk mumbled, his eyebrows knitted together as he remembered how Nyma treated Pidge and him like garbage.

''Yeah, she even scolded me for being asexual, the quiznaking whore,'' Pidge grumbled.

Lance's tears had calmed down, as he was surprised how he never noticed how Nyma treated his friends, ''I'm so sorry you guys had to put up with that,'' Lance said, as new tears formed. He felt guilty, Pidge noticed and snorted.

''Nah man, It's okay, it was interesting to cat fight with her,'' Pidge snickered.

''Even if you chose her over us, It's okay, she's gone now, and we just want the old Lance back y'know?'' Hunk smiled. Pidge nodded in agreement to what Hunk had said.

Lance kept quiet, feeling even worse.

''We're supposed to make him feel better...'' Pidge sighed as she shoved Lance softly, trying to think of something to make him smile again.

''Maybe we should go out tonight... maybe try the new club uptown? It's doing pretty well...'' Hunk sighed, offering a solution to cheer Lance up.

''Yeah, get some alcohol in your system so she'll get out of your head?'' Pidge's lips tugged upwards slightly, wanting to drink a few shots of her own.

''Mhm,'' Lance murmured, he was spent from all the crying and sobbing he had done that afternoon.

''And you'll get to dance, Lance,'' Pidge sang the word dance in a happy teasing tone. Lance couldn't help himself as he rolled his eyes and cracked a smile.

''AHA! YES, TAKE THAT HUNK, I MADE HIM SMILE FIRST! MWAHAHAHA,'' Pidge shouted on top of her lungs, jumping up from the sofa. She squatted down in front of the two men and made a dab. Lance and Hunk couldn't hold back their laughter, as they both cackled. Pidge let her arms fall down beside her as she stood up again, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she looked at Lance's face which had lit up.

''That's the Lance we like to see, even if you're an obnoxious memelord,'' Pidge smirked.

Lance's laughter had calmed down, ''Yeah, we missed 'ya man,'' Hunk hugged his best friend, and Lance smiled brightly, gesturing for Pidge to join. The small gremlin wrapped her short arms around the two males, falling on top of them. They all had a laughing fit again. Lance really didn't know what to do without these two. They were his reason to live.

''Alright, let's go,'' Hunk pulled his tanned friend up from the couch, pushing him out of the door of Lance's apartment.

''Whose car?'' Hunk asked, the question was directed towards Pidge. ''Yours, I wanna forget my problems too tonight,'' Pidge rubbed her temple. She had been going through some family problems and it's quite heavy for the 21-year old.

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