Chapter 3

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For him by Troye Sivan

The black haired male, walked down the dark frizzy street. The rain dampened the illumination of the dim lights. The smell of wet grass filling his nostrils, and the noise of the rain clattering onto his umbrella filling his ears.

He was humming a tune, it was the song he and Lance had chosen for their performance the first time they met up. Keith chuckled when he remembered how they had chosen it.

They were siting in Keith's room, his phone laying beside the two boys, the playlist on shuffle. They were trying to find a storyline or a song. But none came to mind. But like the gods had answered Keith's prayers, a song suddenly started playing, and he had recognized it immediately.

Lance looked up from the sheet of paper, a purple pen had been situated between his thin lips. His blue eyes had scanned the god like person in front of him. Who was softly humming to the song, swaying from side to side swiftly.

'We make a really good team-'

Keith had sung tenderly, his voice was indescribable to Lance. It was rough, yet a soft and a light tone. But his voice was deep nonetheless. When Keith had sung that line, something in the back of Lance's heart fluttered, and his mind was ringing distant alarms. But he just couldn't pin-point his memory. It was too far away, and had drifted off in the endless space.

'Though not everyone sees, we got this crazy chemistry...between us-'

Something mischievously had gleamed in Keith's eyes when he made eye-contact with Lance. Keith had started reaching out to him. The pale fingers had wrapped around Lance's wrist, pulling him up along with the latter.

'You don't have to say, "I love you," to say I love you-'

The shorter male had swung his arms over Lance's broad shoulders, and had buried his face into his safe-spot, also known as the crook of Lance's neck, and under the latino's chin. Tucked away safely, hidden from the world.

'Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons-'

Lance hesitantly had wrapped his arms around Keith's waist, his long fingers curling around the fabric of Keith's too big sweater. He had then noticed, that Keith wore either too big clothes, or crop tops. And he found it absolutely adorable.

'We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue-'

Lance had rested his head on top of Keith's black mop of hair, closing his eyes, finding that he completely related to this song. The both of them did.

'All I need is you, you-'

The taller male had closed his eyes, taking in Keith's calming scent, cinnamon. He smelled even better without the sweat mixed in. Keith's shampoo gave off the scent of pomegranate. Without noticing, Lance had tightened his hold on the other individual.

'And if you break this little heart, it'd be an honour-'

They had just softly swung from side to side, enjoying the other's company. It was strange, how they only knew each other for about 2 days, yet it felt like various lifetimes. Lance kept on thinking about this strange feeling in the back of his mind. Like the lyrics were telling a story, his story, from a previous life. Lance just shook it off. He had Keith in his arms at the moment, so nothing else mattered to Lance.

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