Blind Date?

355 11 18

^insert group there XD

I don't really know what blind date is so this chapter is maybe crappy

Also please help me with the foods I pick it up on internet XD


Jr:*cries in shoppai namida way*

Leonhard:Why is she crying? alright?

Bruno:Did something bad happen?


Heine:Are you hurt or something?

Jr:*sniffs* I-I'm fine.

Heine:Then, why are you crying?

Jr:Because of the dare.


Licht:New dare? it?

Jr:You need to go for a blind date, Animeboys4ever said that.

Licht:Blind date you say?~

Them except Licht:EH?!

Licht:Relax you all, you just need to wear some fancy suits and bring flowers with you~

Jr:I will stay here, I don't want to-

Licht:If you're not coming then, should I be the mc again for this?

Jr:*sniffs* Yep.

Bruno:Wai- I don't even know what a blind date is!

Leonhard:And do we do there.


Licht:Eh? Seriously?

Jr:My friends said it was just like a normal date but you don't know who you are dating.

Licht:Suprising yet exciting~

Kai:Oh..but, Bea-

Licht:I'll get her permission don't worry Kai-nii~


Bruno:Um..I guess it wouldn't hurt to try?

Heine:Ahem, b-

Licht:No buts professor~

Jr:Good luck on your blind date. *leaves the room*

Licht:Oh, I just noticed the reason why she is crying *chuckles* anyway, let's change our clothes and men- SHE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE US-

Heine:*picks up a paper*

Leonhard:What's that?'s written here a café and names and uh..color of the clothes they're wearing?

Licht:Oh, then let's go~


??:Oh? Nice to meet you!

??:Nice to meet you too!

??:Do you see them?

??:Nope, not yet.

??:Everybody, calm down.


Licht:We're finally here~


Leonhard:*gripping on Bruno's arm*

Kai:*looks around*

[EDITING] 《 Ask or Dare 》Oushitsu Kyoushi HaineWhere stories live. Discover now