Swimsuit Contest!

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Kill me now.

I feel super bad for editing that.

Shouldn't Heine's drink already poured at Leonhard?


Jr: The new dare is very exciting!

Licht: What's the dare?

Jr: Hehe.. um.. we will have a swimsuit contest.

Heine: On this cold weather?

Jr: We'll be just doing it here of course.

Bruno: So you're gonna make us wear something related to swimming?

Kai: Of course.

Jr: You can choose whatever you want here. *places a paperbag on the table*

Leonhard: So many clothes! Heine, pick this. It will look good on you.

Heine: T-Thank you, your highness.

Jr: Can you put it on your own?

Heine: I don't know how to put this, can you help me?

Jr: HONHONHONHON alright, I will.

Heine: What are you thinking?

Jr: Oh nothing~

Kai: I have picked mine..

Licht: Mine too~

Leonhard: I'm almost done picking.

Bruno: What color should I pick? Maybe this one. Yes, perfect.

Jr: We'll be back~

Heine: Your highnesses, please go and change so that we can start.

Kai: Alright. We'll.. be back too.


Heine: Prince Leonhard picked this for me.

Jr: It looks good on you.

Heine: Thank you for helping me.

Jr: No pro--

Licht: We're back!

Jr: Can't wait to see what you picked.

Kai: We all got our clothes covered.

Bruno: I just noticed that now.

Heine: Mine's a see-through, so..

Licht: Oh? Lemme see! Stop covering Heiri, Jr!

Jr: Nah, there will be no fun when you see it. Here's big bear, do not let them see that.

Heine: Thank you.

Leonhard: Ahem. So since this is a contest, you'll be the judge?

Jr: Nope~ we have a special guest~

Licht: Oh! A guest!

Jr: Everyone please welcome, tsumikiminawa-chii!

Tsumiki: Good day. I'll be that judge of this contest. Shall we start?

Heine: Yes please.

Tsumiki: But first please pick a paper and then the number you'll get is the--

Licht: I'm first!

Tsumiki: Well then, let's start.

Jr: The camera is ready~

Leonhard: You'll record the whole thing?

Jr: Of course.


Licht: *poses* *takes off his swim parka*

Bruno: T-That Licht! Exposing his body like that!

Leonhard: Aren't you gon--

Bruno: S-Shh! Leonhard!

Kai: Who's next?

Heine: Me.

Licht: Good luck, Heiri~

Heine: Yes yes, your highness. *takes off the see-through racerback while walking*


Licht: Wit wit. Heiri's body is--

Bruno: That's still master, Licht!

Licht: Yeah yeah, whatever.

Leonhard: Nii-sama, you're next.

Bruno: Ah yes..

Heine: This is very embarassing.

Licht: *snatches Heine's see through racerback*

Heine: Give it back, Prince Licht!

Licht: Nope. Not gonna. No way.

Heine: *looks for the bear* Oh no. She took it huh.

Kai: Wait.. giving.. tissue.. (Thank yiu so much XD)

Bruno: *unzips his swim parka* (What were you thinking? XD)

Kai: Made.. on time..

Licht: See? The one who complained do it too.

Leonhard: Atleast nii-sama didn't show his body only that. (I love Leonhard now. XD)

Kai: It's my turn.

Licht: Good luck, Kai-nii!

Kai: *takes off his swim parka*

Licht: See, Kai-nii al-- nevermind.

Bruno: Atleast nii-san put a shirt.

Licht: Yeah yeah, I get it.

Heine: Prince Licht, my co--

Leonhard: My turn!

Bruno: I'll cheer for you, Leonhard.

Leonhard: Ey! *takes his swim parka off*

Licht: Leo-nii is so precious.

Heine: He picked rash guard.

Bruno: Huh.

Kai: Expected.


Tsumiki: You all did very nice.

Leonhard: Is it time for the winner to be announced?

Tsumiki: Yes.

Bruno: So who's the winner?

Licht: It'll be Heiri.

Heine: It's Heine, your highness.

Kai:  Professor.. cover..

Jr: Heine, your cover. *gives it to him*

Heine: Thank you.

Tsumiki: I'll announce the winner.

Jr: Umki.

Tsumiki: The winner of this swimsuit contest is..

Kai: Is?

Tsumiki: EVERYONE!

Licht: Is that even allowed?

Bruno: We all win?

Kai: Eh?

Heine: I don't know?

Leonhard: Atleast were all winners.

Jr: Lololol. Do you only want one to win?

Heine: No.

Kai: Not.. expected.

Tsumiki: Good work, everyone!




Requests are open~

[EDITING] 《 Ask or Dare 》Oushitsu Kyoushi HaineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang