Sebastian and Carl

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The next day I did everything I needed to do Blah blah blah boring and decided today I was gonna walk. I got a txt from Loki. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I ended up getting their numbers later on that day so we could keep in touch. The txt said:

Hey Jim! Where are you? Are you gonna ride the bus today? Are you walking?

Damn.. That kid asked a fucking hell load of pointless questions.

Um I'm near the bus stop but I'm not going to ride it today. I decided to walk just for the hell of it.


I started walking more and just realized something. I never got that kids name that I was winning the fight at. Hm..oh well.

I walked more and saw an 11th year. He looked alittle familiar, I have seen him around school but he's always alone. I decided to talk to him.

"Hey." He looked at me with confusion.

"Hey. Aren't you that kid who like completely dissed the math teacher Mr.F?"

"Haha. Yeah that's me."

"That was GREAT! You were all like did your moms birth controll fail too?" he started laughing alot. Honestly... I don't know why people do that. They say you were all like then tell you what happend and my reactions like I WAS THERE! I SAID IT! I SAW IT FUCKING HAPPEN! NO NEED TO TELL ME! But of course I didn't say that outloud.

"Where did you come up with that?" He asked. I felt a vibration in my pocket. Dammit.. I left my phone on vibrate.

"One sec." I took out my phone and it was a message from Loki that read:

K, txt u later.

I shook my head. "Oh uh I geuss it's just I dunno. I think quickly when it comes to those kinds of things. It might just be my past that makes me think fast." "Oh." There was disappointment in his voice after I said that. He wanted a REAL answer. Not just saying oh I did it couse' I can and I've had practice.. Who gets practice for comebacks??

We talked and walked to school and when we arrived we went two seperate ways. I had to go down the other hall to get to my locker. I think he said his name was Sebastian Moran. His lockers down the other hall. And as I got to my locker sure enough, Sherlock and Loki were there.

"What's up Sherlock? Loki?" I asked just trying to be polite.

"Headed to class. Come on!" Loki gestured me to follow him. I put my stuff quickly in my locker and grabbed my binder then followed them into homeroom. I sat down in my seat and Mr.F had his eyes on me. I didn't care that he didnt like me and I was already a strait A student anyways. I may not seem like it. But before I was in this school and I was in middle school I got perfect grades.

This year that might change alittle. I wasn't in advanced math like I was SUPPOST to but one thing I DID realize after homeroom in 1st class is that one of the students in homeroom leaves and another walks in the classroom. I didn't realize who it was till he walked in the room. It was that kid i kept dissing yesterday at lunch. Great. Life just got 100% better!

WHYYYYYYYY!!!!! I just leaned back in my chair and listened. Then I started to doze off and I got called on.

"Sorry what?" I asked. Some kids laughed. Whatever...

"After school detention."

"Sorry... WHAT!" I yelled that last word. More laughing, maybe because I repeated that.

"You heard what I said. Now answer the bloody question."

"4." I said. Mr.F got bright red.

"Correct." Holy mother of god... Oh hollaluya!

"What was the question?" Sherlock looked over to me.

"20 x n- n = 76 when the n's are veriables. That was a really easy question anyways. Anyone could have got it while sleeping." He said.

I don't even know how I even got that right. I just thought of the first number that popped into my mind. But I still have after school detention. Fuck that... Next I have social studies then Spanish. I HATTTEEE Spanish so god damn MUCH!

So I went to Spanish blah blah blah boring again. I can't remember anything from that class. Maybe because I was asleep for half of it. I gonna fail that class for sure. Second languages have never been my kind of thing. We speak one languages, we write one language, and we think one language. Why do we have to learn a new one...?

That day went by really fast and it was time for lunch sooner than expected. I went to my locker, opened it up and grabbed my lunch running down the hall. I was greeted by the kid i dissed at the lunch room. Great.

"Wutcha got there Midget?" He stood there with two 10th years behind him. We have lunch with the 10th years so that's probably where he got these blokes to help him. Hes the cowardish one. Pretty obvious.

"Get your fat ars out of my way." I tryed to walk around him but he just went where I went. I tryed to push my way through to get to the lunch room but ended up on the floor with a migrane. "I suppose your the weak one now." He chuckled.

"Well you do the work of three men. Curly, Larry and Moe." I said getting up. I heard laughing and he got red. He was embarrassed. He deserved it. I wasn't in a fighting mood today though. As much as I wanted to take a swing at him I didn't. I knew if I failed I would end up on the ground again.

"Your just a fucking fail midget... just a god damn mother fucking fail."

"No one asked for your life story." He started walked towards me and I ran. I just didnt, well, couldn't fight today. I was just too lazy! Just to... ME today. I ran down the hall and was greeted by another 10th year and when I tryed to run back I was greeted by what ever his name was and his gang. I tryed to get around them but it was no use.

"I never asked you your name by the way." I said.

"Carl Powers. C for killing and P for powerful."

"C? Wow.. someone is a good speller. And so far what I've seen, not very powerful either."

"Ya know... If ignorance is bliss than you must be the happiest person alive."

"I'm pretty happy if I do say so myself." He replyed.

"LOOK! Im busy." I said

"Can I ignor you some other time?" I started walking away casually but was stopped by the 10th year. He grabbed my arm. WHY TODAY! WHY THE DAY I JUST CAN'T FIGHT TODAY? He started going on about how he's not ignorant and that he's better than me witch clearly isn't true and blah blah other boring shit.

I interrupted him mid-sentance saying "Keep talking. Maybe one day you'll get lucky and say something intelligent." I laughed. Could'nt help it. The 10th year started gripping my arm alot stronger than before. Holy shit I couldn't beleive my eyes.

Carl took out a nife.

"Heeeey... Nives aren't aloud in school...." I said that kind of mockingly and I pointed to him like a teacher would. Then he came over to me and I started squirming. I knew what was gonna happen next.

Carl slid a K in my hand. What the fuck is wrong with that kid... I knew how I was gonna get revenge. I never thought in MY lifetime I would ever think this way.

I, Jim Moriarty was going to poison Carl Powers.

The devil on EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora