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"Haha, you're so funny." Blake replying dryly

"If you don't shut up Blake I will cut your dick off and feed it to Satan." I threaten him

Instead of taking me seriously, he comes up to me and pinches my cheeks.

"Stop it." Swatting his hands away

"Okay cutie pie." He let's go of my cheeks

"Now are you going to help me pull this off or just annoy me?" I ask

"Are you kidding I'm gonna help." Blake replys excitedly

"Lets get started then."

"I need you to put a lot of green food dye inside the shampoo." Instructing him

He just looks at me smiling showing those white teeth.

"Pretty boy." Snapping my figures in his face

That seemed to snap him out of the trance.

"Oh right sorry." He opens up the food dye putting some in Ashlynns shampoo

"I got that done, now how do I mix it in." He murmurs

"Shake the bottle." Yelling at him

Taking my fake hand putting it over my real hand. After that, I open the ketchup squirting it on top to make it look like blood.

"Revenge at last." Smirking with my work

Closing the bottle trying to make it fit inside my pocket of my jeans.

"Are you done pretty boy!?" Shouting at Blake

"Yes, Cupcake." He grins

"Lets put mine in action, yours will have to wait." I whisper at him

"There you are Lily." Ash takes my hand dragging it

Soon enough it falls, her face a pale white color

"Ash, my hand just got cut off!" I yell at her dramactily

"Now there's blood all over the place." I cry to myself

"I'm kidding, it's just a prank Ash." Laughing as the tears come out

"Lily, you scared me jeez." She slaps my shoulder

Sorry for being the pranking queen." I smile to myself

"Its okay Lily, but that doesn't me I forgive you just yet." Ashlynn grins

Time skip...

"Mom where's Ashlynn?" I ask her

"She went behind a water fall to shower." She points at the water fall




"WHO PUT FOOD DYE IN MY SHAMPOO!" She screams  coming out with a towel around her body

"Uh, Ash put clothes on first."

"Oh right." Ashlynn walks back to the water fall putting her clothes on

"And the food dye thing, that was me. Payback for making me suffer the slug bug game." Placing my hand on my hip

"Oh Lily, just you wait of what I have in store for you."

"Alright Ash bring it on. Whoever wins gets to make the loser do a dare."

"Deal." I smile

"Deal." She smiles as well

We shake hands, it's settled then prank war it is.

Gummy Worm Kids: Second Generation ✅Where stories live. Discover now