10 Years Later

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16th June, 2027

Dear Ms. Sophia Riverstine,

This is Jasmine. Jasmine Sinclair. I am writing this letter to you since it is meant to be part of the final stages of my recovery process. I would write you an email, but I'm not allowed to be on technology right now. But with full honesty I felt obliged to write you a letter anyways. I have one more week until I am let out and I get to go home. I will still have to go to weekly therapy and keep a food diary, but just thinking of how I couldn't even eat an apple without feeling an urge to throw up is a huge accomplishment for me.

Still, sometimes it's tough not to think about all the calories that I'm consuming or fear gaining weight.

But then I think about the story of your sister that you told all of the recovery patients and it motivates me to never give in.

None of this achievement wouldn't have been possible without your help.

Thank you so much for paying for my treatment and showing me support through this time. If it weren't for you, I may have starved myself even more and god forbid, ended up with the same fate as Ms. Elise.

Thank you for speaking to my parents and gently explaining to them what I am going through so that they can support me. I am really sorry that you decided to cut off from your father after Ms. Elise's death. But I think that it was right that you did that. Nobody deserves to be treated the way she was treated. And nobody should have to stay silent while their loved ones suffer.

Thank you for coming to visit me almost every week and encouraging me with every step that I took. When I think about all the people you have supported and helped through recovery from the last 10 years it makes me stronger. It makes me believe full recovery is possible.

Thank you for coming to my school amongst many in the state to educate people about eating disorders and how serious it is no matter whether it is caused by genetics, cultural influence or other sorts of things. I'm sure that if more people are educated then they can help themselves as well as others before it is too late.

Thank you for giving me something to look forward to once I finally go back to school and graduate. I'm looking forward to doing what you do for a living in the future. I look forward to becoming an activist for eating disorders.

Thank you Ms. Sophia.

I'm sure your sister would be proud.


Jasmine Kimberly Sinclair xx

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