Chapter 13

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Tomorrow was court. We were in Dumbledore office discussing court he was explaining it to me and Annabeth because it was different than 'muggle court'. I was stressing out that I could have Draco in my class again which would be horrid. Dumbledore said he's been involved of many cases. But none similar to this. He said he'd manage most of it and I would also need to talk at certain points. We were gathering things we needed. The mat, luckily my arm was still scared only because I didn't take the substance. It tasted awful. So I didn't drink it. I don't regret it. I didn't know what to expect. So safe to say I'm going to be at the underhand.

" AUUUGH!!" I groan flopping backwards.

" Yea Seaweed Brain groan on." She says.

" Hey I'm trying to but I'm super stressed!! Malfoy and his idiot father actually had the balls to put me on trial!! It's so-" I was about to finish her I was cut off.

" No cursing Percy. We are in front of children!" She hissed.

" Ok ok. It's so freaking stupid that they do this. Better?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes.

" Get back to working Seaweed Brain."

" Ok Wise Girl." I retort standing up again and working with the crew.

A/N: Ok I know this chapter was waaaay too short. But I didn't really know what to do. Next chapter I think I'm just going to have the decision of the court, because I don't really know how the Wizard court would proceed.. so if that's all right with talk you fabulous readers?? Comment with ideas!!!

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