Chapter 22

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We never found them so we went to Snape.

" Severus the Trio and a few friends ran off when Harry said HE had Sirius." I say.

" Well it just so happens Umbridge has requested I go to her office. And bring Veritaserum." He spats.

We follow him to her office.

" Snape! Did you bring it?" she asks.

" I'm afraid you have used up all my serum interrogating students." He sighs.

" Well then, make more can't you?"

" It's takes over a month so I don't believe you'd have it in time." He says.

He was choosing his words carefully so he wouldn't get killed.

" Well than that's all." She says.

" He's got Padfoot at the place!" Harry blurts.

He looks over at him surprised.

" Who's he? He's Padfoot? Place what place Snape?" She says looking from Harry to Snape.

" No idea!" He says shrugging.

He exits and looks at us.

" The idiot is believing a mere vision, fake that the Dark Lord fed him once he realized the connection! I'm going to the Order don't let them go." He says. He rushed out to find someplace to apparate.

Suddenly Umbridge and Harry and Hermione emerged.

" What're you doing here?" She asks.

" We-"

" It doesn't matter follow them." She says.

We walk with them out of the castle to the forbidden forest where we walked deep in.

" It's not much farther I hope?" Dolores asks.

" It had to be far in so a student didn't stumble upon it on a walk." Hermione says.

We arrive at a tree where there was a large rope and other various objects such as a bike handle. She stopped.

" Well where is it?" She asks.

" W-"

She gasps interrupting Harry. " There is no secret weapon! You've drawn me here to die! I won't let it happen! It shan't happen!" She shrieks.

Suddenly a giant appears from nowhere and picks up Umbridge. She shrieks and looks at it.

" Put me down you giant!" She screams.

Suddenly we see centaurs galloping through the bushes. They shoot at the giant and he puts her down and she looks at them.

" You have no business here! Move along half-breeds!" She says.

They stood still not taking the comment well. She took out her wand and chanted something and ropes entangled themselves around the centaur. Hermione ran over and shrieks.

" Stop it! Undo it!" She was yelling.

I walked over and undid Riptide freeing him. He stood up and they charged at Umbridge. They captured her. They began riding away slowly.


" Sorry professor, but I must not tell lies." Harry says.

" PERCY!!" She shrieks.

" CANT HELP YA IM NOT A WI-" I say before catching myself.

" You're not a wizard?" Hermione says.

" We have to get back to the castle." I say pointing out.

They nod and we hurry back. Once they do Ginny, Ron, Luna and Neville explain what happen.

" You've been great and all, but I can't let you go with me." Harry says.

" Bloody hell we are. You need us." Ron says.

" Um let's think this through. Maybe it's not true and Voldemort realized the connection and sent Harry a false vision?" I suggest.

" That'd never happen." Harry says waving it off. " How are we supposed to get there?"

" We fly of course."

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