Truth or Dare #6

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Me: Good afternoon everyone!

Petra: Hey

MJesse: Afternoon!

Lucas: Guys, where's Aiden?

Me: I don't know

Petra: ... I dont know, maybe he decided to leave...

Me: -,- you killed him didn't you...

Petra: No of course not why would you say such things?

MJesse: That's why she's my girlfriend!

Petra: At least someone understands me...

Me: Yay...(sarcasm) Anyway, we can do the dares without the Blaze Rods...

Axel: YES! That Gill dude won't be screaming Blaze Rods in my ears!

Olivia: Agreed

Me: This dare is for Petra and MJesse!


MJesse: Oh boy...

Me: This dare is from MinecraftGod, I dare Petra and MJesse....ohh no...

Petra: What is it?

Me: it...

MJesse: *blushes like crazy* yes....!

Petra: WHAT!?

MJesse: Nothing!

Me: Let me escort you to your room... XD

Petra: I don't like this...

MJesse: Don't worry, I won't be to hard on ya *wink*

Petra: 0///0

Me: Ok you two just go in there and give some fun...

*Throws them in a room and locks the door*

Me: Well their gonna kill me so I might as well finish the last couple dares, quickly...

FJesse: Sooo...?

Me: Their good...

Olivia: Lol

Me: JetraFan365 Dares Ivor to say a joke...

Ivor: Really... Why me...

Me: Why are you asking me?

Ivor: ... Can I say a horror joke?

Me: I guess so? Just make sure it's funny...

Ivor: Ok so theirs a dad and his son and they said...

Son- dad do you believe in ghosts?

Dad- or course not ghosts aren't real!

Son- but the maid said that she saw one downstairs.

Dad- son pack your things immediately!

Son- b-but why!?

Dad- we don't have a maid.

*Ivor finishes his joke/ horror thing*


Olivia: Yea no kidding!

ME: well that's it for today's truth or dare, if I don't return tomorrow that means Jesse and Petra killed me...ha ha, Imma move houses now BYE!

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