Truth or Dare #7

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Me: Good night everyone!

FJessie: I has a question.

Me: I has an answer.

Olivia: Really?!

Me: I don't know.

FJessie: Anyway, why did we do two shows in one day?

Me: Because I didn't do one in a long time...

FJessie: Oh.

Petra: SO... Are you gonna apologize for what happened last time?

Me: Noooooo...but I will ask, how was your experience?

Petra: 😓😓😓 uhhhh...

MJesse: My experience was delightful.

Everyone: 0_0

Me: What an honest child but today we have another date and It's from...NinjaPoochie123

Ivor: This girl always comments!

Me: God bless you child...

Petra: Ok, let's here the dare already.

Me: Ok so, NinjaPoochie123 dares... *Looks evil 😈*

Lucas: What is it...

Me: All the boys have to song baby got back, by sir mix a lot while being drunk...and the girls have to watch XD

Petra: XD YES!

MJesse: NO!

Lucas: WHY ME!?

FJessie: This is gonna be so awesome!

Olivia: OH my goodness this is the best thing that has ever been dared on this show!

Axel: I totally do NOT agree!

Ivor: I hate you all.


MJesse: You cannot make me do this I'm out of here!

Me: NOPE! *Knocks MJesse with a frying pan*

MJesse: 😴😴😴

Olivia: Where did you even get that!?

Me: 0,0 I don't even know...

Petra: Lets get the boys drunk!

All the girls: YAAASS!

Narrator: Sarah (Me) and the rest of the girls soon knocked out all the boys and trapped them into a room full with alcohol and a radio, the girls plan was that when the boys got drunk they would turn on the radio and play the song baby got back, as the boys would be drunk they would sing the song willingly and after the song is finished the girls would come into the room and laugh mercilessly at their stupidity. :)

MJesse: Where are we?

Lucas: Oh no, remember the dare?

Axel: ...Crud!

MJesse: I guess we have no choice then, everyone drink up!

Ivor: I'm to old for this...

~After one drunk moment later...

me: I think it's time for us to turn on the music!

Petra: With you all the way!

Me: *turns on the music and the boys started to sing in a drunken way* XD

Narrator: All the girls watched from the other side of the room, laughing their butts off, no pun intended, and the boys passed out making the girls laugh even more...this was caused by NinjaPoochie123...good job friend...(you disappoint me)

Me: Tune in next time for another truth or dare... Laters~

~back stage

Narrator: Pay up Sarah!

Me: FINE! Here's you money...

Narrator: Thanks, bye have a great time.

Petra: Did you just pay that dude 1000US just to be a narrator?

Me: I uhhh, uhhhhh, SEE Y'ALL NEXT TIME BYE!!!

Sorry, I just had to :) make sure to vote for more, press the star (Its free :D)

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