Truth Or Dare #21

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Sarah: *Opens studio door w/ face in phone* Ugh, I have so much Wattpad work to catch up on... *lazy sigh* dang, the last time I updated was late October 2017 . . . shoot!

Ivor: Where the hell have you been little girl?! *runs up to Sarah*

Sarah: Oh piss . . !

Ivor: Nuh uh! Don't you even THINK about running away from this! You have work to do peasant!

Sarah: OK OK I'm sorry OK I really am! Just gimme some are ya?

Ivor: No you aren't and I won't Sarah! You've lazy and even MORE lazy! Shameful child making other MCSM fans wait! Don't you know the fandom is dying at post haste ever since TellTale games was shut down LAST YEAR! You've been gone for far to long little girl! Well? What are you going to do about this huh? How shameful you are little girl, making good MCSM fans wait and hope our fandom retains our once bright spark, you're just RUDE!

Sarah: OK yes, I understand. *bows for forgiveness, anime style* I will continue to work and improve my MCSM fan fiction books. I will do everything I'm my power to update regularly uncles of real life circumstances such as school or family matters. I swear it.

Ivor: *Sigh* Raise up your head child, you are forgiven! I only hope you keep your word-

Sarah: Jeez, old, cranky grandpa.

Jessie: SARAH! Where is she?! I just heard she's back! *excited and joyous*

Sarah: Yeah, hi there Jessica long time to see-

Jessica: Sarah . . ! *turns all dark and pulls out sword, runs in Sarah's direction all creepy speedy like*

Sarah: Ya ha ha . . ! *Turns quickly in opposite direction* Nah, nope, not today not today, I don't feel like dying today . . !

Jessica: Relax sissy, I'm not gonna kill you, today but fun and games aside, I missed you around! *kawaii smile*

Sarah: Ha, still crazy as ever I see. Good, that's good. Where are the others? Are they here?

Petra: Of course we are silly nilly! You can't get fit of us that easily!

Sarah: Petra! *runs up and huggie huggie* Petra! *weeps playfully* I missed you so much! You don't even know! Waa waa!

Petra: OK OK child, relax. *giggle* Its like you're having a mental breakdown or something.

Sarah: *Inhales deeply* Ah, you smell like hopes and dreams! So tranquil!

Jesse: Yeah kiddo, you're hugging Petra so tight you're even making me jealous!

Sarah: Jesse! Olivia! Axel! You're here!

Olivia: Hey Sarah! Long time no see!

Axel: Yeah, far too long, I was actually enjoying the truth and dare games.

Olivia: What he means is 'truth OR dare'.

Axel: Yeah yeah, sure whatever Olivia . . . Only Jesse, Jessica, Petra, Sarah, you and I are here today . . . Lukas is still on his adventure and I doubt he'll be coming back very soon and the other characters, well, I don't exactly know where they are. After we finish this episode it wouldn't hurt to go find them again!

Jesse: Couldn't agree more with ya Alex! *crosses arms and winks*

Axel: *shocked* Whoa there Jesse . . . I didn't know how attractive you really are until now.

Olivia: . . . *whispers* the fucq . . .

Jesse: If you've fallen in love with me Axel I have to say I'm not interested. *chuckle* I'm into red heads now a days, y'know? *looks at Petra and smirks*

Petra: HEY! What do you mean by 'now a days'? Who were you into before me?! *pulls out Miss Butter*

Jesse: Hey wait wait ginger, no harm was intended kitty!

Jessica: *Sighs and mutters in background* I wish Lukas was here . . . then I would have had someone to argue with. *sulk*

Sarah: Hmm, this is all very interesting chit chats! he he he!

Olivia: *Intervenes* Guys let's just all calm down, we need to focus on this Truth or Dare activities!

Sarah: Well, I'm glad you've brought up the topic first because- *evil mode activated* the games are about to begin! Ha ha ha! Wo hu hu ha ha hee!

Jesse: Oh hec . . !

Sarah: That's right, mm he he hee! Sit down minecrafters! Time to comment! Make the fandom sparkle again! Let's see some lively hood in the fandom once more! Y'all with me?

Everyone but Sarah: *Battle cry* YEAH!

Sarah: YEAH! WOO WOO! *pulls out phone and looks into the camera at reader* Alright guys! Time to play your part! Let's get those truth or dare suggestions asap! Move it move it move it! Hustle now kids! Comment in the appropriate sentences below, make us proud Wattpadians! Sarah and the Minecraft Squad over and out!

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