4//gym sessions

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"Come on Bonnie, you cannot be in the army of you give up this easily!" Calum shouted as I ran, and I turned to glare at him.

"I've run twenty kilometres, shut the fuck up," I complained, upping the speed on the treadmill slightly to prove my point.

"I want another five then we'll do some weights," Calum compromised, and I stretched my legs out to complete the final stretch of the run.

"I'll do some weights, and you'll just sit and watch," I corrected him, hearing his laugh ring in the empty gym. There was a tiny radio playing some flashback playlist in the corner, but all we could hear was the bass - which I'm sure made Calum happy.

"Nearly done?" he asked after he'd set up the bench for my weights.

"Twenty four and a half," I gasped, putting the speed right up and sprinting the last five hundred metres. I slowed myself down, stretched off my legs and gulped down some water, then made my way over to the bench. I pressed fifty kilos to start off with, building it up until I hit one hundred. I only managed three reps, but considering I was lifting my entire body weight in cold steel I was happy with myself. I hit the floor for some push ups as Calum lifted himself, counting every ten and changing the exercise. I did them on one foot, one hand, with claps, and finally collapsed after fifty.

"Well done, ginger," Calum praised, and I got up from the floor and felt sweat running down my back. "Go and have a shower, you're not getting in my car like that." I laughed a little and returned to the changing room, letting water fall down my body and run through the sweat. I rubbed some body wash into a lather, avoiding getting my hair wet, and as soon as I was dry and decent I went back out to Cal.

"Good to go?" I asked. He nodded and as we were walking out to the car, he turned to look at me.

"What's going on with you and Luke?" he inquired, and I rolled my eyes. "Come on, something's changed with both of you. Tell me!"

"Erm, we've kissed a couple of times. That's about it, really?"

"Are you sure?" He cocked his eyebrow. "You don't sound sure."

"I didn't mean for it to come out so questioningly," I shot back. "I'm sure."

"Right, okay," he relented, and I shook my head as I climbed into the car. We drove home in silence, and he dropped me off exactly as Luke was walking into his house, laden with shopping. He dropped the bags and pulled me in for a hug, laying a soft kiss on my lips as he did so. 

"Hi," he whispered as I pulled away from the gentle kiss, and suddenly I heard a clatter.

"I swear all you two do is kiss in my front garden," Liz complained. "Can you find somewhere else? Like Bonnie's front garden?"

"Sorry, mum," Luke apologised as I stifled a giggle, not meeting Liz's eyes. 

"When are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?" Liz asked Luke, and I laughed in shock.

"Not yet, mum," he grumbled, a blush rising in his cheeks. "Maybe soon." He didn't meet my eye as he told her to go away. "Sorry about her." I kissed him softly again.

"You forget that she's basically my second mother. She's home more often than mine is anyway," I reminded him warmly. He grinned and kissed me one more time. 

"Date night tonight?" he asked quietly, and I nodded. 

"You're coming out with me, Maria and Caleb tomorrow though," I instructed. 

"Of course," he smiled, brushing his hand against mine as I entered my house. Unsurprisingly, the house was silent, my parents working as normal, and the lack of pets that I'd been begging for was only emphasised. I groaned and went up to my room, pulling out my laptop and checking my emails to keep myself entertained. I clicked through them, deleting the majority, and finally gasped as I hit one. I scanned through the email from the Australian Defence Force and reread it as the news hit me. 

I was going into the army. I'd been accepted, and my life plan was swinging into action. I threw my laptop on the floor and raced to Luke's house, forgoing knocking in favour of telling him the news. 

"Luke!" I hollered as I ran through the house. "Luke! I got in!" I finally reached his bedroom and collapsed in the doorway, the excitement coursing through my veins proving too much to handle. 

"What?" he asked as he looked at me on the floor. 

"The army, they just got back to me. I'm in, I got accepted," I gasped, hearing Liz come up behind me. Luke got up from out of bed and joined me in an instant, holding me close and kissing the top of my head as I felt tears pricking my eyes. 

"I'm so proud of you, I knew you could do it," he said, his voice breaking the tiniest bit. I looked up at him, a massive grin on my face, and kissed him happily. 

"Well done, Bonnie, you deserve this. I'll make a celebration dinner for you," she suggested, and I nodded.

"Sounds fab," I smiled, and she left me and Luke in our pile in his bedroom door. 

"I can't believe it," Luke grinned, kissing my forehead. "Sergeant Bonnie is in the army!"

"At the moment, I'm just Recruit Foster," I laughed. "I have to work to get promoted, and it'll take me at least a year to get to Private. I have to pass basic training and then show I'm 'proficient' in on the job experiences." 

"You'll always be Major Bonnie to me," he shrugged, and I buried my face in his chest. 

"Shut up, you're embarrassing."

"Make me," he said, winking at me as I looked up. I mimicked throwing up, disgusted by his cheesiness, and turned away from him. "Oh come on Bonnie, I was joking," he whined.

"Kidding," I giggled as I turned to face him. He rolled his eyes and picked me up, carrying me onto his bed where he proceeded to tickle me until I squealed. "Stop! Luke!"

"Never," he threatened, and I manoeuvred myself until I was in prime position to kick him. He pulled his hands away sharply and threw them up in surrender. 

"I thought so," I smiled, and he lowered himself onto the bed next to me before turning to kiss me. "Luke?"

"Mmhmm?" he replied, his eyes fixed on mine. 

"What are we?" I asked, finally putting the lingering question out there. 

"I don't know, in all honesty. What do you want to be?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "I like you, I really do. And obviously I love you as a friend."

"Shall we just see where we go from here? And say- don't kiss anyone else?"

"I won't kiss anyone else if you don't," I agreed, and he nodded.

"Good, because I enjoy kissing you." As if to prove his point, he pulled me on top of him and kissed me softly, adding a bit more force occasionally. And then Liz walked in, saw us kissing, coughed, and watched as we fell off the bed. 

"Dinner's ready."

did u enjoy?

question of the chapter: whats your favourite song? mine is missing you by all time low, or glory by bastille. they both have so much meaning for me and I adore them

loza x

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