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*smutty im sorry lol*

I was stirred by a gentle knocking at my bedroom door, and as I sat up, groaning, Luke popped his head in.

"Am I okay to come in?" he asked, waiting for me to nod slowly before coming to sit on the bed next to me. "Sleep well?"

"I don't even remember falling asleep," I confessed, wiping my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Three in the afternoon, Bon," he smiled. "You must have been tired."

"Just a bit," I giggled, resting my head on his shoulder. "Long morning with Maria."

"Ah. Doing what?"

"Looking for new hair colours, having interesting coffees," I told him.

"Fun." He lay back, pulling me down with him. Our lips met almost immediately, me lying on top of him, and we tumbled about in a passionate kiss. As I pulled away for a breath, I looked deep into his eyes. He examined my expression and frowned slightly. "What?"

"Just kiss me again," I demanded, throwing myself at him again, tugging at the bottom of his shirt as a hint of where I wanted to go. The top came off, followed swiftly by my own, and he started kissing down my neck and chest. "Keep going," I insisted, gasping as I was pushed against the wall.

"Can I take your bra off?" he asked, meeting my eyes as I nodded. He unhooked it expertly and flung it across the room, joining the pile of clothes in the corner.

"You been practising that?" I asked, my voice low.

"I have experience," he whispered, kissing my lips softly. "Are you okay?"

"Absolutely," I said, straddling his lap slowly. He groaned softly as I kissed the corner of his mouth, circling my hips lazily.

"Keep doing that," he instructed, his eyes fixed on me. I moved my hand down his chest slightly and fumbled with his belt, trying to pull it off, but I struggled, and I watched as he unbuckled it and unbuttoned his jeans.

"Bit eager there?" I asked, laughing at him quietly.

"You're just so perfect I can't help myself," he explained, pulling his jeans and tossing them away. He did the same, leaving us only in underwear, two layers of cotton between us. "Are you sure this is okay?"

"Yes, Lukey," I whispered, feeling him getting excited. He lay back, letting me grind on him gently, before pushing me into my back and taking control. He kissed down my body and the insides of my thighs, looking up at me for consent one more time before pulling my underwear down my legs. He kissed my core softly, his tongue pressed ever so gently against me, his hands grasping my thighs. I whimpered as he massaged my hips and pushed my legs further apart. "Oh my God."

"That good?" he murmured, surfacing from between my thighs. I nodded as I raked my nails through his hair. "I'll carry on then." He continued working his magic, guiding me as tension built up in all my muscles.

"Luke," I said, edging on a release.

"Let go, baby," he told me, and suddenly everything vanished. The world was centred around me and the pleasure I was experiencing; my body existed in total brightness. I called for Luke, my voice hoarse, and before I knew it he was next to me. "Was that good?"

"I've never felt anything like it," I admitted, watching a grin light up his face.

"And I'd hope so too. I take great pride in being good at what I do," he whispered, pulling me into his chest. "Do you want to do anything else?"

"Not right now, I'm sorry Lukey," I told him, and he nodded.

"Hey, that's okay. Just let me go and sort myself out, okay?" I gave him a gentle kiss and he left my bedroom, leaving me alone on my bed in a state of total euphoria. I grabbed my phone, scrolling through Snapchat and Instagram, before eventually texting Maria.

condoms may not have been used but it's looking more and more likely

Immediately my phone lit up with a barrage of texts, presumably all demanding to know what had happened. I ignored them, switching off my phone and grabbing my laptop to flick through Netflix. As I scrolled through genres, Luke strolled back in, looking refreshed.

"Have a good time?"

"You know it baby," he replied. "Would have been better if you'd been involved though."

"Another time," I promised, sealing it with a gentle kiss on the lips. "What do you want to watch?"

"Narcos?" he suggested, and I hunted for the icon, clicking on it and leaning back into Luke's embrace.

"Good choice," I commended him, always loving how similar our media taste was. I snuggled in close to him, feeling his arm snake around me, and we sat in a tight cuddle as we watched together.

"You're so beautiful, Bonnie," he whispered a few minutes in. "God, I'm so lucky."

"You're beautiful too," I told him. "And you have such a kind soul."

"And you're brave. I can't imagine being willing to give my life for any cause."

"I can't believe I got in," I responded. "My life plan is kicking off."

"That's my girl," he grinned.

"All yours," I said. "I'm so tired."

"Sleep, then," he instructed. "I'll cuddle you."

"Don't want to," I said. "Can't be bothered."

"Can't be bothered to go to sleep? That doesn't make sense."

"Leave me alone. Don't bully me," I complained.

"I don't bully you, you know that," he whispered.

"I do know that," I replied. "I'm not stupid."

"You're confusing me," he chuckled. "What are you on about?"

"I have literally no idea," I giggled. "You're really pretty."

"You're acting as if you're high, Bon, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I whispered, but my words didn't come out properly. I frowned, taken aback, knowing that what had just said didn't sound like what I meant to say. "Luke?"

"Bonnie, baby, listen to me," he instructed, but his voice was echoey and distant, even though he was right next to me. I started freaking out, losing my sight, searching desperately for anything to ground me again.

"Help me," I begged, but my words slurred again. I felt Luke get up from next to me and moments later everything stopped.

hi so sorry it's so shitty lol
how r u all hope ur not dying
i'm v bored goodnight

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