How Late They Are

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♈️Aries: 1 1/2 hour late cause of unexpected traffic jam that they probably started.

♉️Taurus: 15 minuets late cause their coffee machine had stopped working, and they couldn't fix it.

♊️Gemini: About 30 minuets to an hour late cause they couldn't find their papers this morning.

♋️Cancer: 5-10 minuets late if at all. Probably because they had to stop by the store to grab extra everything for safety in an emergency that'll probably never happen.

♌️Leo: Fashionably late, as always.

♍️Virgo: 3 hours early, with work completed months in advance.

♎️Libra: Right on time.

♏️Scorpio: About an hour late, for who knows what reason.

♐️Sagittarius: You'll never know when to expect them. They run on their own schedule, and they don't even have a schedule.

♑️Capricorn: 30 minutes late because of "complications".

♒️Aquarius: Right on time, like a boss.

♓️Pisces: About 10 minuets early, for safety purposes. Also, they don't want to lose their job. (If they're going to work idk)

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