Dealing with Spoilers

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♉️Taurus: Very sensitive, doesn't want to hear it.

♊️ Gemini: Knew that was gonna happen, cause they spoiled it for themselves a long time ago.

♋️Cancer: Has a mental breakdown if you spoil a death scene. Don't do it. It'll just cause more death.

♌️Leo: If i care about this fandom/movie- I'll kill you. Otherwise- yeah, I'm interested in hearing what happened.

♍️Virgo: Eh, I expected that to happen anyway.

♎️Libra: Already calculated how the events were gonna play out.

♏️Scorpio: Doesn't care at all, or they care just wayyyyyyy too much. There is no in between. 

♐️Sagittarius: Excited to hear what happened/ is gonna happen.

♑️Capricorn: Just depends on their mood. They'll be very upfront on whether you should spoil it for them or not.

♒️Aquarius: Spends 3 hours calculating and analyzing what you told/showed them to see how it's possible, why it happened and is now creating a universe around this fandom.

♓️Pisces: Hates you because no matter what the spoil was, it "obviously" messed with their OTP.

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