"Guess Who's in the City!"

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Bliss couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she ate her breakfast. Her mind kept going back to last night with Kyle.

"Well," Bucky started as he came into the kitchen,"looks like somebody is in a good mood this morning."

Bliss looked at her father and smiled.

"Good morning dad." Bliss chirped.

"Good morning." Bucky planted a small kiss on Bliss's forehead. He grabbed his breakfast and joined her.

"So,"Bucky started,"I went to check on you last night and you weren't in your room."

Bliss stopped eating. What was she going to tell her dad??

"Um... I was um.." Bliss stuttered.

"You were in Kyle's room last night." Bucky said," I know what happened."

Bliss's face became red with embarrassment. How did he know?

"Don't get mad ok, nothing more happened." Bliss became nervous.

"I know nothing more happened,"Bucky said,"and I'm not mad."

"You're not?" Bliss asked.

"No,"Bucky smiled at Bliss,"you deserve someone like him, I know he's changed back to himself, so it's okay."

Bliss smiled at her dad and she got up to give him a hug.

"Thank you dad." Bliss said to him.

"You're welcome." Bucky said.

Bliss placed her dishes in the sink and headed back to her room. She got dressed and then headed towards Kyle's room. Bliss knocked on the door and opened it. Then she closed it behind her. Bliss looked towards the bed room and chuckled. Kyle was still sleeping. She quietly snuck into his room and kissed his forehead.

"Good morning." Bliss said sweetly.

Kyle woke up at the sound of her voice and smiled at her.


"There's breakfast in the kitchen if you want any," Bliss said,"and somehow my dad found out what I was doing in here last night. But he said he was ok with it."

Kyle chuckled and got out of bed. He was wearing black shorts but had no shirt on. He kissed Bliss on the lips and went to go get dressed. Bliss smiled to herself and left his room. She then went to the living room and sat down with her family. They talked for hours and Kyle finally came out into the living room. He sat down next to Bliss and everyone stared at the two.

"What?" Bliss asked confused.

"You two are perfect for each other." Natasha said.

Bliss's face became red again.

"Look she's blushing." Tony joked.

"Stop." Bliss laughed.

"Oh, come on-." Tony was stopped by his phone ringing.

"Everyone suit up,"Tony said as he made his way to his suits of armor,"and meet me outside!" Everyone didn't hesitate. They all ran to get their suits on, then they headed outside.

"Guess who's back in the city!" Venom shouted as he walked down the street. People ran away screaming and shouting.

"What do you want!" Bliss shouted as Venom stopped in front of them.

"I want you all dead!" Venom grew bigger in size and smiled evilly.

"Oh my god." Tony muttered as he put his helmet down.

"Where's Bruce." Bliss asked.

As soon as she said that, A loud roar was heard and the Hulk appeared.

"Never mind." Bliss smiled.

"You think that you can defeat me?" Venom started to laugh.

"We're the Avengers," Steve said,"we work together."

"Then you'll die together!" Venom growled and lunged at the group.

Kyle threw bolts of electricity at Venom. Steve threw his Shield. Bucky, Bliss and Natasha had their guns out shooting at Venom. Clint fired his arrows and Tony attacked Venom from above. Bruce/Hulk and Venom were in hand to hand combat.

"STOP IT!" Venom hit Tony out of the air and he landed hard on the ground. Venom also shoved the Hulk away from him. He landed in a nearby building and seemed to be stuck.

Bucky and Nat stopped shooting Venom and moved to a different spot but Bliss stayed and continued to shoot at him.

Venom used his hand as a shield and moved towards Bliss.

"BLISS!" Bucky yelled but she didn't seem to hear him. He looked at her eyes and they held anger and rage.

Bliss knew Venom was coming after her, she heard her father scream her name but she ignored him.

When Venom reached out his large claw hand, Bliss dodged it and grabbed out a knife. She sliced his arm and he screamed in pain. His arm didn't heal as fast as it did before.

"What's wrong?" Bliss smirked,"can't heal as fast as before?"

Venom growled at her and ignored his arm. He lunged at her and tackled Bliss to the ground. Venom raised his claw hand in the air, about to bring it down on Bliss, when a big bolt of electricity hit Venom off of her. Kyle came over to Bliss and helped her up.

"You ok?" He asked as he checked her over.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bliss brushed herself off.

Venom looked at the two and smiled.

"You win this time," venom growled,"but you will lose next time we meet!" Then Venom disappeared.

"Venom knows that he will be the one to lose, right?" Bliss looked at Kyle.

"He doesn't know anything." Kyle started to laugh.

Ok so, I won't be able to publish a chapter, or more for awhile because we're getting a new wi-fi router and it will take a while for us to get a new one, it should be here in like six days or so but then after that I will be able to publish more, but if i don't I'm sorry, I'm  gonna be super busy soon because I start drivers Ed in August and then school and I'm just so worried! But I'm gonna do my absolute best to get chapters done and published for you guys❤️ but I'm truly sorry if it takes like a few day to get chapters publish. But I'm still gonna work on this book and I will complete it! That is my goal!

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