Quest for the String

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Dave Davis, a realtor from Kentucky, became famous in a matter of minutes. One day, in his office, he found a string on the floor. The word spread like butter on a piece of bread, and before long, the whole United States of America knew about his astonishing find.

However, he wasn't favored by some people. A group of people were jealous that they didn't find the string, and they wanted it badly. this group of septuplet criminals, the Onisudobniz Brothers, always go what they wanted, and they wanted another item of abundant worth to add to their collection of valuable items. They were expert criminals, each with their own specialty, and they were going to use any weapon in their arsenal to retrieve that string.
Here is the story of the Onisudobniz Brothers' quest to get the string on the floor:

At Dave's house...

Dave was sitting on his bed, admiring the string that he had placed in a glass container for show, as he did everyday.  His wife, Judy, was behind him, smiling dreamily with her arms wrapped around him.

"Oh, Dave!" Judy sighed.  "Every time I see that string, I think of all the great times we've had together!"

"Me too, honey," Dave repiled, but unbeknownst to Judy, he was lying.  Every time he saw the string, he thought of all the fame and fortune he would continue to accumulate.

"Well, Judy, I'd better get to the mall," Dave said.  He had to go autograph copies of his best seller, The String and I.

"Okay," Judy said sadly.  "Bye bye, honey!"

"Bye bye!" Dave sweet talked back.

At the Onisudobniz hideout...

You gents ready for action?" Sizu Onisudobniz asked his brothers.

"Oh yeah!" the other six replied enthusiastically.

"All right then," Sizu said.  "Goran, you know what to do.  Get out there."

"You bet, Sizu!" Goran Onisudobniz replied, fully aware of the plan.

Goran went out, book in hand, to pursue what the Onisudobniz brothers had wanted for so long.

At the mall...

Dave was signing countless copies of The String and I to overexcited fans.  Then, this one guy around twenty years old came up to the signing table.  He had a chesnut brown bedhead, nerdy square-framed glasses, and completely crooked teeth with braces.

"Hello, how are you doing today?" Dave asked.

"G-g-great, sir!" the nerd stuttered out of excitement.  "I-i-it's just s-so exciting to f-f-finally m-m-meet you!"

"Hahaha!" Dave chuckled.  "Well, I'm certainly glad I made your dreams come true!"

"S-s-sir, if you w-wouldn't mind, c-c-could I sh-sh-shake y-your hand?" the nerd asked.

"Why yes, of course!" he accepted.

As they shook hands, what seemed to be static electricity shocked both of them.

"Oh!" Dave cried.  "Static shock!"

"Oh, I'm s-s-so sorry, sir!" the nerd apologized.

"No problem!" he consoled.  "Have a nice day!"

"Y-y-you too, sir!" the nerd exclaimed.  He walked out of the mall as if he had a limp, but the minute he was out of sight, he began to walk normally.  He then spat his teeth out and tossed his bedhead into the street.  He shook his head and the glasses fell off.  His face changed to one with perfectly aligned, sparkling white teeth without braces; thick, wavy, jet black hair; and a sly smile.  There were six other people who looked just like him, but this one was the only one out and about.  He was Goran Onisudobniz.

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